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NSLS Staff Positions

The following are NSLS staff positions at Brookhaven National Laboratory. To be considered for any of the NSLS openings below, please forward your resume, referring to the appropriate Job #, to:

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brookhaven Science Associates
Human Resources Division, Bldg. 185
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

e-mail Marsha Kipperman at:  mrk@bnl.gov 

Research Associate

National Synchrotron Light Source M3225 (posted 9/24/04)  

Requires a Ph.D. in Accelerator Physics or a related field with experience in the area of the storage rings. The position is with the Accelerator Division of NSLS.  The successful candidate will perform R&D on lattice design and collective effects for NSLS VUV ring operating in coherent emission mode.  Both experimental work and computer simulations will be required.  Under the direction of Boris Podobedov.