Users' Executive Comm
Planning Committee
Special Interest Groups

General Information:
Gretchen Cisco(User Admin)
Office: (631) 344-4703


2005 NSLS Users' Meeting

Brookhaven National Laboratory

May 23-25, 2005

Purpose & Scope of Meeting and Workshops:

The NSLS Annual Users’ Meeting is a forum for reporting new research results and advances in experimental capabilities that utilize synchrotron radiation. The NSLS community includes both scientists who only occasionally use the NSLS to supplement a laboratory-based research program and those whose programs are based at one or more NSLS beamlines.

The Users’ Meeting brings together scientists from many diverse disciplines to share their recent accomplishments and visions of the future. It also provides them with the opportunity to visit with old friends and to forge new relationships. Because the focus of our meeting is on the science produced at the NSLS, we especially encourage the infrequent or new synchrotron user to attend.

Through workshops, invited talks, the poster session, vendor exhibits showing new advancements in equipment and instrumentation, and the informal interactions, there will be numerous opportunities to learn about new frontiers in synchrotron-based experimentation and how these will impact your research interests.

The Users’ Meeting is an ideal time to interact with the wide variety of scientists who make the NSLS a most productive user facility.

The meeting and workshops are sponsored by the NSLS Users' Executive Committee, the National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and numerous  vendor exhibitors and sponsors.

We hope to see you at the 2005 NSLS Users' Meeting being held at Brookhaven National Laboratory, May 23-25.

Kind regards,
Users’ Executive Committee