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Modes of Access | Requesting Beam Time

Conducting Experiments at the NSLS

Modes of Access

The NSLS is a dedicated synchrotron radiation facility available to scientists and researchers worldwide. The modes of access in obtaining beam time at the NSLS and related links are provided below. Contact the General User Proposal Coordinator below for additional information.

Contact:         Liz Flynn, General User Proposal Coordinator

Phone:           (631) 344-5763

General Users are scientists interested in using the NSLS for experimental programs. Access to the NSLS is generally obtained through a peer-reviewed proposal system. Proposals are rated by the Proposal Review Panels (PRPs) and beam time allocations are made by the NSLS Allocation Committee. 

A large number of beamlines were designed and instrumented by Participating Research Teams (PRTs). Membership in a PRT is open to all members of the scientific community who can contribute significantly to the program of the PRT (i.e., funding, contribution of equipment, scientific program, design and engineering, operations manpower, etc.). Written proposals to establish new PRTs are directed to the NSLS Chair. 

In some instances, collaborative arrangements can be made with a PRT of a beamline. 

Requesting Beam Time

The methods of requesting access to beam time at the NSLS and related links are provided below. Contact the General User Proposal Coordinator below for additional information.

Contact:         Liz Flynn, General User Proposal Coordinator

Phone:           (631) 344-5763

Much of the research performed at the NSLS is conducted by general users who are scientists interested in using the NSLS for experimental programs under the General User Program. Access to the NSLS is obtained through a peer-reviewed proposal system. General user proposals are rated by the Proposal Review Panels (PRPs) and beam time allocations are made by the NSLS Allocation Committee. Learn more...

Proprietary research is work conducted under a Class Waiver for proprietary users of Energy Research Designated User Facilities. Such research may be conducted by private individuals, representatives from educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, or industry. Under the terms of the DOE Class Waiver, the user is obligated to pay the full-cost recovery rate for NSLS usage. In return, the user has the option to take title to any inventions made during the proprietary research program and to treat as proprietary all technical data generated during the proprietary research program. Learn more...

  • Classified Research

Classified Research can be performed at the NSLS, generally on NSLS facility beamlines. Extensive discussions with the NSLS Chairman must take place in advance of such research. Currently, there are no classified research experiments being performed at the NSLS due to extensive security requirements and such research is not generally encouraged at the NSLS.

  • Feasibility Studies

Feasibility Studies which are not proprietary in nature may be eligible for limited amounts of beam time depending on the availability of the requested beamline and on the type of work. Experiments are generally performed on NSLS facility beamlines. Contact the NSLS Associate Chair for the User Science Division for more information.

Feasibility studies, although not proprietary in nature, are charged at proprietary rates in 8-hour shift units, even if the full 8-hour shift was not utilized. Shift 1 is 0000 hours to 0800 hours. Shift 2 is 0800 hours to 1600 hours. Shift 3 is 1600 hours to 2400 hours.

Revised May 04, 2004. Maintained by User Administration