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 October 6, 2004
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Measurement of Ti, Ta and Sc off-center displacements in relaxor ferroelectric PST-PT

A.I. Frenkel1,  D.M. Pease2,  J. Giniewicz3*,  E.A. Stern4,  D.L. Brewe4,5,  M. Daniel2,  and J. Budnick2
1Yeshiva University, New York, NY; 2University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; 3Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA; 4University of Washington, Seattle, WA; 5Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (* deceased 2003)

We probed titanium (Ti), tantalum (Ta), and scandium (Sc) environments in the (1-x)Pb(Sc,Ta)O3 – xPbTiO3 relaxor ferroelectric (PST-PT), which displays variable order–disorder, relaxor, a mixed phase region, and normal ferroelectric behaviors as x is increased. The abrupt structural phase transition from rhombohedral to tetragonal is observed by x-ray diffraction at x = 0.45. According to x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) studies, the structure around Ta, Sc, or Ti atoms changes differently with x and there are no abrupt changes at any concentration. No displacements of Ta or Sc atoms from their oxygen octahedron centers were observed. But surprisingly, we find that Ti is displaced along the (111) direction for x = 0.05. However, it gradually changes direction from (111) to (001) as x increases. We suggest that PST-PT consists of mixed regions, some characterized by a (111) Ti displacement and others by a (001) displacement. The displacement averaged over all regions becomes more weighted toward (001) as x increases.

Anatoly Frenkel

Relaxor ferroelectrics display a diffuse temperature dependence of their polarization-related macroscopic properties. The origin of this behavior lies in the interactions of polarized entities at the nanoscale. Relaxors typically belong to a class of “oxygen-octahedra compounds,” in which six oxygen ions surround a particular transition metal ion, such as Ti, Ta, or Sc (Figure 1). The unique characteristics of the relaxor ferroelectric (1-x) Pb(Sc1/2Ta1/2)O3x PbTiO3 (PST-PT) are revealed when one traverses a variety of compositions, x. A variety of thermally “adjustable” states of structural ordering, Curie temperatures, and material properties are accessible for these materials. PST-PT is attractive for device applications, and also as a model to explore the nature of relaxor ferroelectrics.

The structure determined by x-ray diffraction (XRD) was rhombohedral for low x values, but abruptly becomes tetragonal for x = 0.45. The Ta L3-edge XAFS data of the same samples were measured at beamline X11A. The Sc and Ti K-edges were measured at the Pacific Northwest Consortium - Collaborative Access Team beamlines at the Advanced Photon Source.

Figure 1. Perovskite pseudo-cubic ABO3 unit cell (A=Pb, B=Ta,Sc,Ti). The Ta and Sc atoms were shown to be approximately in the cell center (A). Arrow shows different directions of Ti atom displacements obtained by XAFS for x=0.05 (B) and x=1 (C).

At low x values, an energy dispersive detector is required to separate Ti Kα fluorescence photons from the Sc Kα photons that dominate the fluorescence background. We used a log-spiral of revolution analyzer designed by Doug Pease and Joe Budnick, recently improved by the addition of the annular ion chamber, designed by Ed Stern. We know of no other detector setup that could successfully separate the dilute Ti fluorescence from the otherwise overwhelming Sc fluorescence photons without saturating the detector, and with much more intensity than any other crystal monochromator.

Ti K-edge x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) data of all the samples (Figure 2, left) have a feature “A” located in the region corresponding to the dipole-forbidden 1s-3d transition. In order to contribute to the XANES data, the p-character of the final state of the photoelectron has to be added in the solid. That may occur due to, for example, hybridization between Ti 3d and O 2p orbitals that is enhanced if Ti is displaced away from the inversion symmetry center. The presence of a large peak “A” is, therefore, a signature of the off-center displacements of Ti atoms. The area under the peak can be used to quantify the off-center displacement d of the Ti atom (A  d2 ). In the Ti K-edge XANES data of all the samples (Figure 2, left), the intensity of the signal in this region is much larger than in the reference, cubic EuTiO3 system. For all x < 1, we obtained d ~ 0.23(2) Å. We found that this large Ti atom displacement is in marked contrast with Ta and Sc atom behaviors, where no measurable displacement from the oxygen octahedron centers (Figure 1(A)) was found by their EXAFS or XANES (Figure 2, left (inset)) analyses.

The EXAFS analysis (Figure 2, right) revealed that Ti atoms were displaced along the (111) cubic direction from x = 0.05 (Figure 1(B)). However, this displacement gradually changes direction from (111) to (001) as x increases (Figure 1(C)).

Figure 2. (Left) XANES spectra of Ti K-edge in (PST)1-x(PT)x samples. Feature A denotes the energy region of the dipole-forbidden 1s-3d transition. The inset shows the featureless 1s-3d transition region (A) in Sc K-edge XANES. (Right) The Ti K-edge EXAFS: Fourier transform magnitudes of kχ(k) in (PST)1-x(PT)x samples. Shown by arrows are groups of Ti-O distances that correspond to either (111) or (001) displacement of the Ti atom from the center of the TiO6 octahedron, depicted schematically in Fig. 1 (B) or (C), respectively.

These results allow two interpretations. First, the Ti atom displacement direction changes gradually from (111) to (001) as x increases, going through the intermediate orientations. The second interpretation, supported by Maaskant and Bersuker (MB) theory, allows no intermediate orientation between the (111) and (001) directions. In the framework of the MB model, we propose that the PST-PT system consists of mixed regions, some having (111) Ti displacement and others having (001) displacement. The displacement averaged over all regions becomes more weighted toward (001) as x increases.

Our work resulted in the atomic-level scenario of the structural transformations in PST-PT. We found that the changes in the local structure could not be simply interpolated from the average structure data: The independent, element-specific measurements were required to elucidate the structure around each atomic species. Our results give the first experimental observation of the 111-displacement direction of a Ti atom in the ferroelectric perovskite system.


U.S. Department of Energy

A. I. Frenkel et al., “Concentration-Dependent Short Range Order in Relaxor Ferroelectric
(1-x)Pb(Sc,Ta)O3 - xPbTiO3”, Physical Review B, 70, 014106 (2004).

Anatoly I. Frenkel
Physics Department
Yeshiva University
New York, NY
Email: Anatoly.Frenkel@yu.edu
Web page: http://www.yu.edu/faculty/afrenkel