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Welcome to the NSLS New User information site. This site is meant to guide you through the process of becoming a new user at the NSLS. If you are new to synchrotron facilities, we recommend starting with Step 1, where the first thing you’ll do is determine which type of synchrotron-based technique(s) you need for your experiment. If you are an experienced synchrotron user, and would just like to know the process of becoming a user specifically at the NSLS, you can skip to Step 2 or 3. Finally, we urge all users to read Step 4 thoroughly for important information on accessing the NSLS facility.
Identify Your Technique:
For users that are new to synchrotron facilities, the first step is to determine the technique(s) you will be using for your experiment. This step will guide you through this process.
Identify Your Beamline:
Once you know the synchrotron technique that you require, you need to determine the possible beamline(s) for your experiment. This step allows you to view the NSLS beamlines sorted by number or by technique, or to search the NSLS beamline guide.
Request Beamtime:
Once you have identified the potential beamline(s) for your experiment, you need to submit a proposal for beamtime. This step describes the process for submitting General User proposals, including timelines and deadlines for submission.
Access to the NSLS:
This step guides you through the process of coming to the NSLS by explaining what to do (1) before you arrive, (2) upon arrival, (3) before you leave, and (4) after you leave. We urge all users to review this step carefully for important registration and training information.
PLEASE NOTE: All new users to the NSLS are required to complete an online registration form and obtain necessary approvals prior to arriving at the NSLS for beamtime. It can take up to 120 days to obtain necessary approvals, so early registration is important. Please be sure that all approvals are in order before traveling to the NSLS. If you have questions, please contact the NSLS User Administration Office at (631) 344-7976.