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Celebrating a Century of Conservation
Employee Email Addresses and Telephone Numbers

Employee Email Addresses

The Department of the Interior web server provides a search form to find employee email addresses.

Washington Office Employee Directory

The Washington Office Employee Listing provides the names and phone numbers for Fish and Wildlife Service employees working in the Washington Office.

Refuge Field Station Employee Directory

This search area provides access to the Refuge System database which contains the phone numbers for Refuge System employees working at field stations and phone numbers for Fish and Wildlife Service empoyees working in the Washington Office. You can search the field station databases by name or unit name. The Washington Office database can be searched by name or by office.

Note: Only a single name or office entry can be searched at a time.

First Name:

Last name:

Refuge/Wetland Management District:


For a Refuge System Visitors Guide
call 1-800-344-WILD