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90% of visitors surveyed at the Acadia National Park in Maine say transit information signs made it easier to get around.

A primary objective of the Acadia National Park field operational test was to provide timely and accurate information to visitors about the use of the Island Explorer shuttle bus service. As part of the test, electronic message signs were installed at bus stops at three of the most popular destinations in the park, and visitors were given real-time transit status information showing updated bus departure times. In addition, shuttle buses were equipped with on-board next-stop announcement systems to alert riders of the approaching destinations as they traversed the park.

Mail-back questionnaires and interviews were used to measure the impacts of ITS services on customer satisfaction during the 2002 summer tourist season. A total of 1,278 park visitors were interviewed and asked to complete a mail-back survey. Nine hundred twenty-eight visitor responses were returned and analyzed.

According to the survey, most visitors found the information they received to be accurate, clearly understandable, and easy to use. Ninety percent of visitors who used the real-time transit departure signs, and 84% of visitors who experienced the automated on-board next-stop message announcements agreed these technologies made it easier to get around.

See the related ITS Benefits Database entry for more information.

Past "Benefit of the Month" summaries are also available.