ITS Benefits and Unit Costs Database
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Contact Us

For more information on the FHWA ITS benefits and costs program contact:
    Joseph I. Peters, Ph.D
    Manager, ITS Program Assessment
    ITS Joint Program Office
    Federal Highway Administration (FHWA-HOIT)
    400 7th Street, SW
    Washington , D.C. 20590

To send reports containing ITS benefits evaluation information or any questions and comments about this website, contact:

    Robert Maccubbin
    Senior Transportation Engineer
    Mitretek Systems Inc.
    600 Maryland Ave, SW, Suite 755
    Washington, D.C. 20024

For more information regarding cost information, to submit cost data, or to receive notification of updates of cost information contact:

    Barbara Staples
    Lead Engineer
    Mitretek Systems Inc.
    600 Maryland Ave, SW, Suite 755
    Washington, D.C. 20024