ITS Benefits and Unit Costs Database
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Cost Data

Now Available: ITS unit costs data with dollar year. Read about this enhancement to the ITS unit costs database below. Comments and feedback are encouraged. Send correspondence to Barbara Staples at

Costs Database Background

This page provides several means for accessing information in the ITS costs database through the links at the left. The costs database contains two types of cost information: unit costs and system costs. The difference in the two types of costs data is in the level of aggregation. Unit cost is the cost associated with an individual ITS element. System cost consists of multiple ITS elements and typically represents the total cost of an ITS project or portion of an ITS project.

Unit Costs ─ can be viewed on-line, and downloaded as an Excel file and PDF document. The on-line costs are accessible as unadjusted and adjusted values. Information on indexes used to adjust the costs is also available. (Read more below.) The ITS unit costs database consists of cost estimates for a set of ITS elements. These cost estimates are categorized as capital, and operating and maintenance (O&M) costs. Capital costs are the cost expended for one-time, non-recurring purchases. Examples include costs of equipment, system design, and development of integration software. Operations and maintenance costs, often referred to as recurring costs, are the costs that are incurred on an ongoing basis. Typical examples include utilities for a traffic operations center, wireline or wireless monthly fees, and labor costs. Costs are presented in a range to capture the lows and highs of the cost estimates from the different data sources identified in the data sources page. The cost data are useful in developing project cost estimates during the planning process. However, the user is encouraged to find local/regional data sources and current vendor data in order to perform a more detailed cost estimate.

The set of ITS elements are based primarily on the unit cost elements in the National ITS Architecture Cost Analysis and the ITS Deployment Analysis System (IDAS) equipment list. IDAS is an ITS planning and cost/benefit tool.

System Costs ─ can be viewed by application, by state, and by country. The system costs database provides examples of systems that have been deployed and includes the cost of the implementation. The parenthetical date following the system cost information represents the year of the cost data, when known.

The ITS costs database is updated as new cost data become available. Summaries of the latest revisions to the database as well as planned revisions are available.

The "Available Documents" link leads to several documents containing information on the database. The online version of the report ITS Benefits and Costs: 2003 Update provides a summary of information collected in both the benefits and costs database, including links to relevant sections of this website, providing access to additional findings documented after the publication of the report. ITS cost-related reports are also available.

Missing Data ─ Are data missing from the database? Are you aware of a report or source of data that is not in the database? Please help to improve the database by contributing data in the form of reports or documented costs of ITS.

More about the adjusted unit cost values

ITS unit costs are available in two formats: unadjusted and adjusted. The unadjusted format presents costs data in its original value along with the dollar year of the capital and O&M costs. The adjusted format presents capital and O&M unit costs in 2003 dollars. The dollar year the costs data were adjusted from is provided along with the index used to adjust the costs data. If the costs data are 2003 values, then no adjustment was made.

Unit costs can be viewed on-line
, and downloaded as an Excel file and PDF document. The on-line costs are accessible as unadjusted and adjusted values. Information on indexes used to adjust the costs is also available. The index number corresponds to the index used to adjust the cost data. The index is representative of the ITS element. For example, the first element in Roadside Telecommunications, DS0 Communication Line, is tagged with Index 1. Index 1 is the WPU1176 index (published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics) and is applied to communications and related equipment. The capital cost range is an adjusted value and was adjusted from a 1995 value (see date directly below the capital cost range). The O&M costs are 2003 values obtained in Mitretek's analysis (as such, no adjustment needed). The Excel file consists of four (4) worksheets: unadjusted cost spreadsheet, indexes used in adjusting cost values, adjusted cost spreadsheet, and reference notes (similar to the information on this web page). The PDF document contains the same information as the Excel file.

Last modified: Thursday, 30 September 2004

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