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ITS Benefits and Costs Databases
Privacy Statement and Disclaimer

Privacy Statement

The purpose of this statement is to explain the types of information collected about visitors to this site, how the information is collected, and how it is used. Note that this site is hosted and maintained by Mitretek Systems, Inc. on behalf of the Department of Transportation (DOT), Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO). The privacy policy stated here is a Mitretek policy and pertains
only to the ITS Benefits Database and Cost Information Web site and does not apply to any other portions of the Mitretek Web site. Click here to view DOT's Privacy Statement and Disclaimer.

Mitretek collects two (2) types of information when an individual visits this site:
Individually-identifiable information is collected only if a visitor provides this information to us. Each type of information and its collection process is described below.


Certain information is collected whenever an individual visits the site to read information or download files. Information that is automatically (i.e., involuntarily) collected from site visitors cannot be used to personally identify a visitor. The following information is automatically collected and stored about your visit:

    1. Internet domain (e.g., your company name, Internet Service Provider (ISP), school) and organization type (e.g., .com, .edu, .net) from which you access our Web site. Mitretek does not use "cookies" when an individual visits this site;
    2. City, state, and/or country from which your visit originated;
    3. Date, time, and duration of your visit;
    4. Entry and exit points, and path taken within the Mitretek domain to reach this site;
    5. Web pages visited within this site;
    6. Types of forms submitted; and
    7. Files downloaded.

This information is aggregated and is used to evaluate and improve upon this Web site.


The only individually-identifiable information collected is voluntarily provided by the individual site visitor. Anytime an individual visitor sends email to us, that individual can be identified. Individually-identifiable information provided from email sent to any of the persons listed under the "Contact Us" link will be used solely for the purpose of replying or responding to the original email message. In certain cases, email may be forwarded to individuals within our Government client office and/or our Mitretek ITS program office who can best answer or respond to your questions.

Mitretek is committed to ensuring that individual privacy is safeguarded. Therefore, privacy-related information, submitted via this Web site, is not viewable by or accessible to the public. Access to this information is closely controlled and is restricted to the few individuals requiring administrative access to the database.

Information collected from visits to this site are not sold, nor distributed to third parties. Information collected from site visits is shared with our Government sponsor only when deemed appropriate or when email is addressed to Government personnel listed on this site. Information may be shared with authorized law enforcement investigations.


The information provided on this site is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. Furthermore, Mitretek does not assume liability for the contents of this Web site or use thereof.

Contact Information

Questions regarding this Web privacy statement and disclaimer should be directed to Rob Maccubbin at

Or to the Mitretek ITS Site U.S. Postal address:

    Rob Maccubbin
    Senior Transportation Engineer
    Mitretek Systems, Inc.
    600 Maryland Avenue, Suite 755
    Washington, DC 20024, USA

This privacy statement and disclaimer may change without prior notice. It is Mitretek's intent to keep this Web privacy statement and disclaimer consistent with the actual information collection and storage practices.