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David Ferraiolo - role control center; advanced accesss control methods; RBAC standard

Rick Kuhn multilevel security (MLS) DAC, MAC and RBAC; separation of duty; RBAC standard

Ramaswamy Chandramouli   - XML and RBAC, commercial implementations

John Barkley - RBAC in health care; RBAC prototype; implementation issues

RBAC book cover RBAC book "a must read"
Review from IEEE Computer Society, Security & Privacy

"Overall, this is a great book."
Linux Journal
One of the most challenging problems in managing large networks is the complexity of security administration. Role based access control (also called role based security), as introduced in 1992 by Ferraiolo and Kuhn, has become the predominant model for advanced access control because it reduces the complexity and cost of security administration in large networked applications.  Most information technology vendors have incorporated RBAC into their product line, and the technology is finding applications in areas ranging from health care to defense, in addition to the mainstream commerce systems for which it was designed. For more information, please contact us at:
DOC gold medal
2002 Gold Medal for Scientific/Engineering Achievement

 -US Department of Commerce

FLC logo

1998 Excellence in Technology Transfer Award 

-Federal Laboratory Consortium

21st NISSC

Best Paper Award

-National Information Systems Security Conference

SCI 2003 

2003  Best Paper Award 
- Systems,  Cybernetics, and Informatics Conference
Introduction and Overview
Design and Implementation
    - Design
    - Object Oriented Design
Cost/Benefit Analysis
Downloadable Software
RBAC for Web Servers
RBAC in Health Care
RBAC Patent
Interactive Cost Estimator
RBAC conference

Security administration can be costly and prone to error because administrators usually specify access control lists for each user on the system individually. With RBAC, security is managed at a level that corresponds closely to the organization's structure. Each user is assigned one or more roles, and each role is assigned one or more privileges that are permitted to users in that role. Security administration with RBAC consists of determining the operations that must be executed by persons in particular jobs, and assigning employees to the proper roles. Complexities introduced by mutually exclusive roles or role hierarchies are handled by the RBAC software, making security administration easier. 

This web resource explains RBAC concepts, costs vs.benefits and economic impact of RBAC, design and implementation issues, the proposed standard, and advanced research topics.  The NIST model for RBAC was adopted as an American National Standard by the American National Standards Institute,  International Committee for Information Technology Standards (ANSI/INCITS) on February 11, 2004.  See RBAC Standards, below, for more information.

Introduction & Overview

"An Introduction to Role Based Access Control" NIST CSL Bulletin on RBAC (December, 1995)   HTML   Text  

D.F. Ferraiolo and D.R. Kuhn  "Role Based Access Control" 15th National Computer Security Conference (1992) - the original RBAC paper.
    PDF     Postscript  

R. S. Sandhu, E.J. Coyne, H.L. Feinstein, C.E. Youman, "Role-Based Access Control Models", IEEE Computer 29(2): 38-47, IEEE Press, 1996.- original paper on RBAC framework  PDF  

D.F. Ferraiolo, D.R. Kuhn, R. Chandramouli, Role Based Access Control (book), Artech House, 2003.

Slide Presentation from DOE Security Research Workshop III, (Barkley, 1998).   PowerPoint  

Slide Presentation Summarizing RBAC Projects  Postscript  

"A Marketing Survey of Civil Federal Government Organizations to Determine the Need for RBAC Security Product" (SETA Corporation, 1996). Postscript   

RBAC in Health Care

Slide Presentation from OMG CORBAmed Security Working Group Meeting Corbamed/98-06-08), (Barkley, 1998).   PowerPoint  

Project Description

"Application Engineering in Health Care" (Barkley, 1995) Second Annual CHIN Summit 1995  HTML   Postscript  
Project Final Report, (NISTIR 5820).   HTML 

R. Chandramouli, "A Framework for Multiple Authorization Types in a Healthcare Application System" - 17th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Dec 10-14, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana.   PDF

XML RBAC Administration

R.Chandramouli, "Application of XML Tools for Enterprise-Wide RBAC Implementation Tasks"  - 5th ACM workshop on Role-based Access Control, July 26-27, 2000, Berlin, Germany. -   PDF 

R.Chandramouli, Specification and Validation of Enterprise Access Control Data for Conformance to Model and Policy Constraints, 7th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2003) . Best Paper Award!   PDF


Implementation of Role Based Access Control in Multi-level Secure Systems (Kuhn)  U.S. Patent #6,023,765.  HTML

 "Workflow Management Employing Role-Based Access Control" (Barkley).  U.S. Patent #6,088,679,   HTML

A Method for Visualizing and Managing Role-Based Policies on Identity-Based Systems (Ferraiolo & Gavrila) (pending) 

 "Implementation of Role/Group Permission Association Using Object Access Type" 
(Barkley,Cincotta). US Patent # 6,202,066   HTML 

For information on licensing NIST inventions, click here (Office of Technology Partnerships)

NOTE: When clicking the links for each RBAC Patents, you will be leaving RBAC website and leaving NIST webserver.

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Patents referencing NIST RBAC patents:

IBM: US Patent #6,381,579, "System and method to provide secure navigation to resources on the internet" (Gervais, et al., 2002).

IBM: US Patent #6,438,549, "Method for storing sparse hierarchical data in a relational database" (Aldred, et al., 2002).

Microsoft: US Patent #6,412,070, "Extensible security system and method for controlling access to objects in a computing environment" (Van Dyke, et al., 2002).

Microsoft: US Patent #6,466,932, "System and method for implementing group policy" (Dennis, et al., 2002).

Unisys: US Patent #6,401,100, "Method for associating classes contained in the same or different models" (Gladieux, 2002).

Electronic Data Systems: US Patent #6,430,549, "System and method for selectivety defining access to application features" (Gershfield, et al., 2002).

Entrust, Inc.: US Patent #6,453,353, "Role-based navigation of information resources" (Win, et al., 2002).

Secure Computing Corp.: US Patent #6,357,010, "System and method for controlling access to documents stored on an internal network" (Viets, et al., 2002).

Argus:  US Patent #6,289,462, "Trusted compartmentalized computer operating system" (McNabb, et al., 2001).

Epicentric, Inc.: US Patent #6,327,628, "Portal server that provides a customizable user Interface for access to computer networks" (Anuff, et al., 2001).

Accenture LLP: US Patent #6,442,748, "System, method and article of manufacture for a persistent state and persistent object separator in an information services patterns environment" (Bowman-Amuah, 2002).

US Patent #6,445,968, "Task manager" (Jalla, 2002).

American Management Systems: 
US Patent #6,606,740, Development framework for case and workflow systems   (Lynn, et al., 2003)

E-Talk:  US Patent #6,615,182  System and method for defining the organizational structure of an enterprise in a performance evaluation system , (Powers et al., 2003)

RBAC Design & Implementation

D.F. Ferraiolo, D.R. Kuhn, R. Chandramouli, Role Based Access Control (book), Artech House, 2003.

D.F. Ferraiolo, J. Cugini, D.R. Kuhn "Role Based Access Control: Features and Motivations" , Computer Security Applications Conference (1995). PDF    Postscript  

D.R. Kuhn, "Mutual Exclusion of Roles as a Means of Implementing Separation of Duty in Role-Based Access Control Systems" (Kuhn, 1997), Second ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control.  

S. Gavrila, J. Barkley, "Formal Specification for Role Based Access Control User/Role and Role/Role Relationship Management" (1998), Third ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control.  

D.R. Kuhn. "Role Based Access Control on MLS Systems Without Kernel Changes" (Kuhn)   Third ACM Workshop on Role Based Access Control, October 22-23,1998.
PDF    Postscript  

R. Chandramouli, R. Sandhu, "Role Based Access Control Features in Commercial Database Management Systems", 21st National Information Systems Security Conference, October 6-9, 1998, Crystal City, Virginia.  Best Paper Award!   PDF

J. Barkley,
C. Beznosov, Uppal, "Supporting Relationships in Access Control using Role Based Access Control" , Fourth ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control (1999).  Postscript  

R. Sandhu, D. Ferraiolo, R. Kuhn, "The NIST Model for Role Based Access Control: Towards a Unified Standard," Proceedings, 5th ACM Workshop on Role Based Access Control, July 26-27, 2000. 

W.A. Jansen, "Inheritance Properties of Role Hierarchies," 21st National Information Systems Security Conference, October 6-9, 1998, Crystal City, Virginia.  Postscript    PDF

R. Chandramouli,"Business Process Driven Framework for defining an Access Control Service based on Roles and Rules", 23rd National Information Systems Security Conference, 2000.  (pdf)

W.A. Jansen, "A Revised Model for Role Based Access Control, NIST-IR 6192, July 9, 1998   Postscript    PDF

Object Oriented Design 
J. Barkley, "Implementing Role Based Access Control Using Object Technology", First ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control (1995).  HTML   Postscript  

J.F. Barkley, A.V. Cincotta, "Managing Role/Permission Relationships Using Object Access Types", Third ACM Workshop on Role Based Access Control (1998).   HTML

"A Resource Access Decision Service for CORBA-based Distributed Systems" (Beznosov, Deng, Blakley, Burt, Barkley, 1999), ACSAC (Annual Computer Security Applications Conference).  Postscript  

S. Wakid, J.F. Barkley, M.Skall, "Object Retrieval and Access Management in Electronic Commerce", IEEE Communications Magazine, September 1999.  HTML  

Cost/Benefit Analysis 

The Economic Impact of Role Based Access Control.  Research Triangle Institute.  NIST Planning Report 02-01. 2002   PDF

D. Ferraiolo and J.F. Barkley, "Comparing Administrative Cost for Hierarchical and Non-hierarchical Role Representations," Second ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control, Nov 6-7, 1997. 

J. Barkley, "Comparing Simple Role Based Access Control Models and Access Control Lists" (1997), Second ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control. Postscript 

"A Marketing Survey of Civil Federal Government Organizations to Determine the Need for RBAC Security Product" (SETA Corporation, 1996). Postscript

Patents referencing NIST RBAC patents (cont.)

US Patent #6,466,932, System and method for implementing group policy  (Dennis, et al., 2003)

Xerox:  US Patent # 6,535,884, System, method and article of manufacture for providing an attribute system with primitive support of dynamic and evolvable roles in support of fluid and integrative application development

Electronic Data Systems: US Patent # 6,578,029, System and method for selectively defining access to application features, (Gershfield et al., 2003)

IBM: US Patent # 6,594,661, Method and system for controlling access to a source application  (Tagg, 2003)

Secure Computing Corp: US Patent # 6,640,307 , System and method for controlling access to documents stored on an internal network ,
( Viets,  et al., 2003)

Patents referencing NIST RBAC  research:

Microsoft: US Patent #6,014,666, "Declarative and Programmatic Access Control of Component-Based Server Applications Using Roles" (Helland, et al., 2000). 

Microsoft: US Patent #6,301,601, "Disabling and enabling transaction committal in transactional application components" (Helland, et al., 2001).

Microsoft: US Patent #6,385,724, "Automatic object caller chain with declarative impersonation and transitive trust" (Beckman, et al., 2002).

Microsoft: US Patent #6,425,017, "Queued method invocations on distributed component applications" (Dievendorff, et al., 2002).

Microsoft: US Patent #6,442,620, "Environment extensibility and automatic services for component applications using contexts, policies and activators" (Thatte, et al., 2002).

Microsoft: US Patent #6,473,791, "Object load balancing" (Al-Ghosein, et al., 2002).

Microsoft: US Patent #6,487,665, "Object Security Boundaries" (Andrews et al., 2002)

Microsoft: US Patent #6,574,736, "Composable Roles", (Andrews, 2003)

Microsoft: US Patent #6,604,198  " Automatic object caller chain with declarative impersonation and transitive trust" , (Beckman, et al., 2003)

Microsoft: US Patent #6,606,711, "Object Security Boundaries"  (Andrews et al., 2003)

Microsoft: US Patent # 6,678,696 "Transaction processing of distributed objects with declarative transactional attributes",  (Helland, et al., 2004)

Microsoft: US Patent # 6,714,962 " Multi-user server application architecture with single-user object tier ",  (Helland, et al., 2004)

RBAC Standards

In 2001, NIST proposed a consensus model for RBAC,
based on the Ferraiolo-Kuhn model, in the framework developed by Sandhu (see Introduction and Overview, left).  The model was further refined within the RBAC community and has been adopted by the American National Standards Institute,  International Committee for Information Technology Standards (ANSI/INCITS) as ANSI INCITS 359-2004.  Within OASIS, the XACML technical committee is developing an RBAC profile for expression of authorization policies in XML, making it easier to build RBAC into web applications. 

American National Standard 359-2004 is the Information Technology industry consensus standard for RBAC.  A tutorial-style explanation of the model used in the standard can be found here.  The official standards document is published by ANSI INCITS.
Web applications can use RBAC services defined by the OASIS XACML Technical Committee  (see "XACML RBAC Profile").  The XACML specification describes building blocks from which an RBAC solution is constructed.  A full example illustrates these building blocks.  The specification then discusses how these building blocks may be used to implement the various elements of the RBAC model presented in ANSI INCITS 359-2004.
Building on the RBAC standard.  The US Navy has initiated an activity for Enterprise Dynamic Access Control.  (PPT BriefingDocumentation,  courtesy Richard Fernandez)

Presentation on RBAC standard (courtesy Wilfredo Alvarez)

D. Ferraiolo, R. Sandhu, S. Gavrila, D.R. Kuhn, R. Chandramouli, "A Proposed Standard for Role Based Access Control (PDF)," ACM Transactions on Information and System Security , vol. 4, no. 3 (August, 2001) - draft of a consensus standard for RBAC.

Slide Presentation on Proposed RBAC Standard PPT

R. Sandhu, D.F. Ferraiolo, D, R. Kuhn, "The NIST Model for  Role Based Access Control:  Towards a Unified Standard,"  Postscript   PDF   Proceedings,  5th ACM Workshop on Role Based Access Control, July 26-27, 2000 - first public draft of proposal for an RBAC standard.

RBAC for Web Servers

D.F. Ferraiolo, J. Barkley, D.R. Kuhn, "A Role Based Access Control Model and Reference Implementation within a Corporate Intranet", ACM Transactions on Information Systems Security, Volume 1, Number 2, February 1999.  PDF    Postscript  

D.F. Ferraiolo, J. Barkley,"Specifying and Managing Role-Based Access Control within a Corporate Intranet" (Ferraiolo, Barkley, 1997), Second ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control.  PDF   Postscript  

J. Barkley, A.V. Cincotta, D.F. Ferraiolo, S. Gavrila, , D.R. Kuhn, "Role Based Access Control for the World Wide Web" , 20th National Computer Security Conference (1997).   PDF     Postscript  

"Role Based Access Control for the World Wide Web"  Slide Presentation   Postscript  

J. Barkley, D.R. Kuhn, L. Rosenthal, M. Skall, A.V. Cincotta, "Role-Based Access Control for the Web" , CALS Expo International & 21st Century Commerce 1998: Global Business Solutions for the New Millennium (1998). HTML

Downloadable RBAC Software

NIST provides a reference implementation of an RBAC web server for both UNIX and Windows NT systems.  The UNIX version has two implementation options:  as a CGI script or as a load module that can be linked into the server binary.

Installation Instructions

RBAC for UNIX/POSIX/Linux and RBAC for Windows NT   (UNIX tar file)

RBAC for UNIX/POSIX/Linux and RBAC for Windows NT  (compressed UNIX tar file)

RBAC Conference - Much of the research on RBAC appears first in proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT)previously ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), 1995-2000

Please send comments or questions concerning RBAC to  RBAC Information   Last updated: 2 August 2004