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  • Consumer Price Indexes - monthly data on changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services.

  • Producer Price Indexes - monthly data on changes in the selling prices received by domestic producers of goods and services.

  • Import/Export Price Indexes - monthly data on changes in the prices of imported and exported nonmilitary goods traded between the U.S. and the rest of the world.

  • Consumer Expenditure Survey - data on the buying habits of American consumers, by socioeconomic characteristics.


  • National Compensation Survey - designed to integrate data from separate BLS compensation surveys.

    -- Benefits - comprehensive data on incidence and provisions of selected employee benefit plans.

    -- Compensation Cost Trends - quarterly indexes measuring change over time in labor costs and quarterly data measuring level of average costs per hour worked.

    -- Wages - data on occupational wages for localities, broad geographic regions, and the nation.

  • Safety and Health Statistics - data on illnesses and injuries on the job and data on worker fatalities.

  • Collective Bargaining Agreements - data on major work stoppages (lockouts and strikes) and a file of collective bargaining agreements.


  • Quarterly Labor Productivity - quarterly indexes of labor productivity and related costs measures for major sectors of the economy, including business, nonfarm business, and manufacturing.

  • Multifactor Productivity - annual indexes for industries and major sectors of the economy that relate output to labor, capital, and--in some cases--other inputs.

  • Industry Productivity - annual indexes of productivity for detailed industries.

  • Foreign Labor Statistics - comparative information by country on productivity and unit labor costs; compensation; labor force, employment, and unemployment; and consumer prices.



  • Foreign Labor Statistics - comparative information by country on productivity and unit labor costs; compensation; labor force, employment, and unemployment; and consumer prices.

  • Import/Export Price Indexes - monthly data on change in the prices of imported and exported nonmilitary goods traded between the U.S. and the rest of the world.

  • International Technical Cooperation - conducts training in labor statistics for international participants and coordinates international requests for BLS services including technical experts and short-term visits to BLS.


Last Modified Date: February 3, 2004


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