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Employee Focus

Eric Fox

Photo of Eric FoxSeamless in Chicago

Eric Fox’s current job as assistant air traffic manager at Chicago Center in Aurora, Illinois, is a challenge that fits his personality and experience quite well. “We are as good as our experience allows us to be,” explains Eric.


Dave Boone

Photo of Dave Boone.Boone Sets the Pace in Indianapolis

Dave Boone has been the manager of the Indianapolis Air Route Traffic Control Center since 1998.

“As manager, I direct the operations of the Center. That includes about 500 people,” says Dave.


Jarilyn Newman

Photo of Jarilyn NewmanBuilding Safety and Logistics

Jarilyn Newman is responsible for building management and property management at the ATO Engineering Center in Rosslyn, VA. She works with building management to uphold a safe work environment by informing employees of all things building-related. 


Get To Know...

Jack Howell

Photo of Jack HowellJob Title: Director of International, Operations Planning

Years at the FAA: 6

Educational Background: Bachelor's  in aerospace engineering from the University of Florida and a
master's of science in aeronautics and astronautics from

Hobbies:  Aviation, handball

Last book read: The Ultimate Weight Solution by Dr. Phil McGraw

Hometown: Lake Worth, FL

Last Movie Seen: The Bourne Supremacy.   And it was exhausting!

Quote to Live By: DREAM about what you want; DARE to take the risk in pursuit of it; DELIGHT in your success.

Best thing about my job: Aiding the global attributes of aviation.

Worst thing about my job: Administrative detail and unnecessary restrictions.

If I could do anything I would: Go back to the flight line.

If I could have dinner with anyone throughout time it would be: Leonardo Da Vinci, to hear first hand about his dreams, daring and delights.

Favorite vacation spot: The last one I was on, wherever that may have been!

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Federal Aviation Administration
800 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20591