Please note:  The information you submit on this form will be treated proprietary and confidential.  We will not release any information unless we obtain your approval.  Please read the instructions carefully before completing the form.  To access form, click here. 

Product:  Using a few words, please list all of the products, processes, or technologies that you have developed as a result of DOE SBIR/STTR Phase II projects. 

Proj. ID:  We want to know which DOE Phase II projects were used to develop each product.  Please list the project ID numbers that apply to each product you list.

Sales:  Please record (for each product listed) the dollar amount of sales for the last 12 months and the cumulative total dollars earned from Non-Federal and Federal Sales.  You may give a rough estimate if you do not know exactly.     

Development:  Please record (for each product listed) the dollar amount spent over the past 12 months and the cumulative total dollars spent for development using internal, non-federal, and Federal non-SBIR/STTR funds.  You may give a rough estimate if you do not know exactly.

Partners:  Please tell us if you are working with any strategic partners or alliances and list who they are.  Example:  Exxon, Ford Motor Company.

Comments:  Please provide any other comments relating to your commercialization efforts.  Feel free to include pending arrangements or future sales estimates.

Phase II Projects Abandoned  Please tell us if you have abandoned efforts on any given Phase II project (indicate project id) and have no future plans of working on that project.  The purpose of this information is so we do not keep asking you for updates on projects that you have abandoned.