The intention of the success story is not only to show Congress and DOE management the success of the SBIR/STTR programs, but more importantly, to further promote your technology to the Nation.  If you have a success story you would like to share with us, please fill out the form below.  All stories will be reviewed before they are posted on the Web.  Please send a photograph as a .jpg or .gif file if you have one.  If you don’t have a photo of your technology, send a photo of your facility or researchers at work.  Send photos and success story forms any time to

Company Name:

Point of Contact:


E-mail address:


Project Title:

SBIR/STTR Project ID #(s):

Technology:  Using 3 or fewer sentences, please describe in layman’s terms the technology your firm has developed from this DOE SBIR/STTR project(s).

Benefits:  Describe the specific benefits to the DOE and the private sector:  energy savings, improved capability, reduced cost, improved safety, and/or any other benefits.  Be specific and use statistical data when possible.


 Applications:  Describe or list using bullets specific applications of your technology—how it will be used and for what reason.

 Benefit to the Company:  Using 10 or fewer sentences, describe the impact that the DOE SBIR/STTR program has had on your firm.  Please include information about your company’s growth, market share, sales, revenues, patents, increased technical expertise, licensing agreements, spin-off companies, etc.  You may include actual and estimated future figures.