Thunderhead Engineering Consultants, Inc.
GeothermEx, Inc. (joint venture partner)

Point of Contact: Daniel Swenson
Phone: 785-770-8511

DOE SBIR ID#: DE-FG03-99ER82908

Project Title: A Geometry-Based Interactive Pre- and Post-Processor for Reservoir Simulation and Visualization



This SBIR project developed PetraSim, a computer program that enables simulation of complex fluid flow through porous and fractured media. Such simulations can be used to model geothermal reservoirs, oil and gas production, the transport of contaminants as a result of environmental accidents, groundwater flow, and nuclear waste isolation.

Benefits:  PetraSim provides an interactive user interface for the existing TOUGH2 and TETRAD codes. Although, the core physics implemented in TOUGH2 and TETRAD allows them to solve complex problems, the input to these codes consists of computer files with specific lines of data that all must be correctly input for a successful analysis. PetraSim makes TOUGH2 and TETRAD accessible to a new general market and leverages previous DOE investment by providing an integrated environment in which the user can create a model, run an analysis, and view results.

Applications include:  

- Simulation of geothermal reservoirs to guide in design of production options and to predict power generation.
- Modeling of oil and gas reservoirs.
- Prediction of the migration of chemical waste and evaluation of methods for remediation.
- General simulation of flow in porous and fractured media, with applications such as evaluating new methods of using compressed air to stabilize shallow tunneling below the groundwater table.

Benefit to the CompanyThis SBIR was key to enabling Thunderhead Engineering to develop this product. August 15, 2002, marked the first commercial release of PetraSim.  PetraSim has been purchased by the geothermal and oil industries. The focus is now on marketing and enhancements to the existing product.  Thunderhead Engineering is now pursuing the application of the technologies developed in this product to other fields. One opportunity that we will pursue is an integrated simulator for fires in buildings and aircraft. A second opportunity is creating a product based on the software security implemented in PetraSim. We are actively talking with appropriate partners in these two industries.