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Training Center

The NWS Training Portal :

Education and Outreach

NOAA / NWS Information :
  • NWS Information Center
  • NWS Public Outreach
  • NOAA Education Page
  • NOAA Resources for Educators
  • NSSL Resources for Teachers
  • NWS-SRH JetStream Weather School
  • NOAA Library
  • NWSTC Systems Glossary | Acronyms
  • Local Outreach:

  • Tours
  • Group / School Programs


    The National Weather Service Training Center is open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. . Guided tours are available for groups to view the training facilities. Tours can be tailored to focus on NWS equipment, meteorlogical services, or other related interests. To arrange a tour contact Dave Rowell at 816-880-9368 ext. 267 - E-mail or Donna Layton at 816-880-9594 - E-mail .



    Tailored programs in areas such as meteorology, hydrology, ..., can be conducted for school clubs/classes, scouting groups or similiar organizations. Also, The NWSTC Leadership Academy, which provides leadership training to NWS employees as well as other goverment agencies, can adapt many of it's programs for use by school groups which may benefit from this type of training, such as FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), student councils, etc... . Leadership programs can be tailored to include focus topics such as communication, success keys/barriers, creative thinking/problem-solving, ... . Other programs may be available to any school or community group upon request by contacting Dave Rowell at 816-880-9368 ext. 267 - E-mail or Donna Layton at 816-880-9594 - E-mail .


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