Policy, Planning and Analysis Office provides policy guidance
for planning, developing, and implementing NOAA Information Technology
(IT) resources. The Office oversees IT strategic and operational planning.
The Office coordinates the development of IT architectures and the development
and use of IT standards, including those relating to telecommunications
and office automation. The Office provides assistance to NOAA Line and
Staff Offices in business process re-engineering and in conducting cost
benefit analyses associated with IT initiatives, and is responsible
for NOAA IT accessibility and IT training support and for the development
of NOAA-wide contractual arrangements that support acquisition of widely
used computer and networking hardware, software, and services.
Process Analysis - Business Process Analysis (BPA) is generally
defined as the analysis and design of workflows and processes within
and between organizations. BPA involves the thorough participation and
support of the process owners and users. The five generic life-cycle
stages of creating a new process are analyzed in relation to specific
customer needs and requirements. These stages are concept definition,
design or plan, test or install, produce or implement and, retire. BPA
within the OCIO is strongly linked to the enterprise architecture assisting
in identifying candidate processes and moving selected organizational
processes from the existing or baseline architecture to the agreed upon
target architecture. The BPA process can be viewed as a series of quick
hits, a continuous cycle of improvement, with successive iterations
building on the successes and lessons learned from the last iteration.
The analysis
of NOAA's business processes is an integral part of the Enterprise Architecture
process. The development of a Target Architecture must take into account
and enable future business processes. The link currently provided is
to the NOAA Architecture site, which is password restricted. For access
contact Ira Grossman (301-713-3525, ext. 140 or
General access is available to the Department
of Commerce architecture site, which describes the architectural
framework used.
Calendar - The linked page is a calendar
of upcoming events related to the subject areas on this page.
Electronic Commerce/IT Acquisitions - NOAA
is committed to promoting electronic business practices. This site provides
links to electronic acquisition programs like NITES (NOAA IT Electronic
Store), to electronic forms that assist in improving the administrative
work flow, and to government-wide efforts to provide better services
to the public electronically.
GPEA - The Government Paperwork Elimination
Act (GPEA) requires when agencies require persons to submit information
to the government, or maintain information, they must give those persons
the option to submit or maintain that information electronically when
practicable. It also seeks to make transactions within the government
electronic. The linked page provides complete guidance on the Act, copies
of plans submitted, and other related information.
Information Quality - In response to
Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act
for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law 106-554), and to guidelines issued
by the Office of Management and Budget, NOAA has issued Information
Quality Guidelines for ensuring and maximizing the quality, objectivity,
utility, and integrity of information which it disseminates. The NOAA
guidelines also establish an administrative mechanism allowing affected
persons to seek and obtain correction of information that does not comply
with applicable guidelines.
IT Accessibility - Agencies are required
to provide access to and use of their electronic and information technology
(EIT) by individuals with disabilities. The linked site provides guidance
on these requirements. For information to assist you when you are ready
to make a procurement of Electronic Information Technology (EIT) products
and services, visit the NOAA
Acquisition Management Division Section 508 accessibility web site.
IT Architecture and Standards-
Agencies are required to have an enterprise IT Architecture. The linked
site provides information on NOAA's architecture activities and products,
but the site is password-protected at this time. Contact Ira Grossman
(301-713-3525, ext. 140 or for the password.
You can look at the Department
of Commerce Architecture Web site.
IT Planning and Budget - NOAA has various
mechanisms for planning for IT investments and makes a number of submissions
of IT-related documents. The former includes the CIO Council, the IT
Architecture process, and telecommunications policies; and the latter
includes Strategic and Operational IT Plans, and OMB Exhibits 53 and
300. The linked page deals with or links to these subject areas and
an IT planning library.
IT Training - The Office of the CIO
has jointly undertaken a project with the Office of Human Resources
management to implement a NOAA-wide system providing online training
on a variety of IT and non-IT subjects. This system is called "E-Learning@NOAA".
Laws, Regulations, Policy, and Guidance
- Self-explanatory.
PRA - The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
of 1995 requires that agencies obtain Office of Management and Budget
approval before requesting most types of information from the public.
The linked page provides complete guidance on the Act, procedures and
forms for requesting PRA clearance, status reports, and a range of other
related information.
Web Services Management - No content at this time.