NIST Provides Confidential Information



    The Non-disclosure Agreement for disclosure of NIST's proprietary information is used when NIST personnel are disclosing information that is patentable subject matter upon which NIST may file for a patent. This Non-disclosure Agreement preserves NIST's ability to pursue patent protection. It also defines the treatment of the information by the recipient organization under terms acceptable to both NIST and the recipient.

If a NIST employee and an outside party feel that it is necessary for NIST proprietary information to be disclosed, the NIST employee must obtain the approval of his/her management. To do so, he/she obtains a copy of the "Non Disclosure Agreement for Dislcosure of NIST's Proprietary Information" from the Office of Technology Partnerships and forwards it, along with other relevant information, through his/her management chain for review and approval. If approved, copies of the Agreement are signed by both parties.

    Q. A NIST scientist's research is paid for by the public and is important to industry. Why would any of NIST's information be proprietary?  
  Sample Form  
    The following form is in PDF format and requires *Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print. This software may be downloaded without charge. If Adobe Acrobat Reader is not accessible, you may request a paper copy from the Webmaster. Forms may be downloaded and distributed.  
    Nondisclosure Agreement (Disclosure of NIST's Confidential Information)  
  See Also  
    NIST Receives Confidential Information  
  Point of Contact  
    Office of the NIST Counsel (301) 975-2803  

* Adobe Acrobat Reader is identified in order to assist users of this information service. In no case does such identification imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.


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For technical questions concerning the Office of Technology Partnerships, contact us:

Office of Technology Partnerships, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2200, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2200
Phone: (301) 975-3084, Fax: (301) 869-2751, Email:

Website Comments:

Created: February 2002
Last Modified: November 20, 2003

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