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Salmon Enhancement - REUT

Salmon Enhancement

Thomas Flagg
  Program Manager

Team Staff Directory

Hatchery Technology
  Dr. Desmond Maynard

Behavioral Ecology
  Dr. Barry Berejikian

Manchester Facilities Support
The Salmon Enhancement Program resolves existing and developing challenges associated with captive rearing, hatchery technology, and behavioral ecology of salmon to sustain and rebuild endangered or depleted stocks and to increase world seafood supply. The program is composed of two teams (the Hatchery Technology Team and the Behavioral ecology team) that conduct basic and applied research in fish behavior, and ecological interactions for cultured salmonids. These activities focus on studying husbandry methodologies and developmental biology, growth, nutrition, survival, and behavioral and ecological fitness of cultured organisms. Research is applied to improve efficacy of production and conservation hatcheries, and captive broodstock and supplementation programs for recovery of endangered fish species.

last modified 06/07/2004

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