Where do I get the codon usage table for xxx?

The programs BackTranslate, CodonPreference and Correspond use codon frequency tables. By default they use the table for E.Coli. However, additional codon usage tables have been provided on the helix systems for GCG users. At present they include:

SpeciesCodon table file name
green algae algae.cod
Aspergillus nidulansasn.cod
Arabidopsis thalianaath.cod
Hordeum vulgare (Barley)bly.cod
Bombyx mori (Silk Moth)bmo.cod
Bos taurus (Cow)bov.cod
Bacillus subtilisbsu.cod
Caenorhabditis eleganscel.cod
Chironomus sp.chi.cod
Gallus sp. (Chicken)chk.cod
Dictyostelium discoideum ddi.cod
Drosophila melanogasterdro.cod
Escherichia colieco.cod
enteric bacterial (highly expressed) genes ecohigh.cod
Cricetulus sp. & Mesocricetus sp. (Hamster)ham.cod
Homo sapienshum.cod
Klebsiella pneumoniaekpn.cod
Macaca spmac.cod
Mus sp. (Mouse)mus.cod
Zea mays (Maize)mze.cod
Zea mays chloroplast (Maize)mzecp.cod
Neurospora crassaneu.cod
Neisseria gonorrheaengo.cod
Pisum sativum (Pea)pea.cod
Petunia sp.pet.cod
Plasmodium falciparumpfa.cod
Phaseolus vulgaris (Lima bean)phv.cod
Solanum tuberosum (Potato)pot.cod
Pseudomonas sp.pse.cod
Oryctolagus sp. (Rabbit)rab.cod
Rattus sp. (Rat)rat.cod
Rhizobium meliloti rhm.cod
Oryza sativa (Rice) ric.cod
Ovis sp. (Sheep) shp.cod
Physarum polycephalum slm.cod
Glycine max (Soybean) soy.cod
Staphylococcus aureus sta.cod
Salmonella thphimurium sty.cod
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sus.cod
Tetrahymena thermophila tet.cod
Nicotiana tabacum (Tobacco) tob.cod
Nicotiana tabacum chloroplast (Tobacco) tobcp.cod
Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato) tom.cod
Trypanosoma brucei trb.cod
Triticum aestivum (Wheat) wht.cod
Xenopus laevis xel.cod
Saccharomyces cerevisiae ysc.cod
Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrion yscmt.cod
Schizosaccharomyces pombe ysp.cod

For details about any of these tables, extract the actual table by typing 'fetch xxx.cod' at the helix prompt, and read the documentation at the top of the file.

To use any of these codon tables instead of the default (E.Coli) table, add the parameter '-translate=xxx.cod' when running any of the above programs.

If you need a codon table that is not in this list, send mail to the helix staff using the ptr command on helix (type 'ptr' at the helix prompt) and we will attempt to track it down for you.