What do I do with a figure file?

You ran a GCG graphics program, and selected 'figure' as the output option. Now you have a GCG figure file, and don't know how to print or display it.

The main advantage of getting your output as a figure file is that you can edit the file if you really know what you're doing. You can scale, shift, and modify the graphics as you want, but you have to learn the options in the GCG figure command. It's not that hard, but if you want a simple output and are not interested in manipulating it, the figure output file is not much use to you. Instead, look at the Graphics section of this FAQ to see how to get the graphics displayed on your screen, or see How do I print GCG graphics to my postscript printer.

But suppose you already have a figure output file, and don't want to run the program again to get a different output? You can still use the GCG figure command to get your output into print or displayed on your screen. Type 'setplot', choose the appropriate option, and then run figure.

Sample session: printing a figure file

helix% setplot

+---------------------->  displaying all of 7 option(s)  <-------------------+
|mactek     Tektronix -- a Mac-Versaterm-Pro tektronix 4105 screen
|pctek      Tektronix -- a tektronix 4014 screen [PC/Kermit]
|colorX     Color X Windows Graphics Window
|monoX      Monochrome X Windows Graphics Window
|lwpost     to generate postscript for a Apple LaserWriter file ->gcgplot.ps
|EPSF       to generate encapsulated popostscript file ->gcgplot.epsf
|HP7550     to select a HP7550 plotter file ->gcgplot.gl
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
Enter a command. Choices are:
           and  scroll the list
           makes GCG use the selected device
          Q quits without doing anything

          C creates and edits a new device
          (you can't delete from the site file)
          V views the selection (use C to edit a copy)


 Plotting Configuration set to: 
       Language: psd 
         Device: LASERWRITER
  Port or Queue: gcgplot.ps
233% figure 

Figure makes figures and posters by drawing graphics and text
together. You can include output from other GCG graphics programs as
part of a figure. 

  Process set to plot with LASERWRITER attached to gcgplot.ps
  using the psd graphic interface.

 FIGURE from what file ?  paupdisplay.figure

 PostScript instructions for a LASERWRITER are now being sent to gcgplot.ps.
The file 'gcgplot.ps' can now be printed on any postscript-compatible printer.

Sample session: Displaying figure file on your screen

helix% setplot
+---------------------->  displaying all of 7 option(s)  <-------------------+
|mactek     Tektronix -- a Mac-Versaterm-Pro tektronix 4105 screen
|pctek      Tektronix -- a tektronix 4014 screen [PC/Kermit]
|colorX     Color X Windows Graphics Window
|monoX      Monochrome X Windows Graphics Window
|lwpost     to generate postscript for a Apple LaserWriter file ->gcgplot.ps
|EPSF       to generate encapsulated popostscript file ->gcgplot.epsf
|HP7550     to select a HP7550 plotter file ->gcgplot.gl
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
Enter a command. Choices are:
           and  scroll the list
           makes GCG use the selected device
          Q quits without doing anything

          C creates and edits a new device
          (you can't delete from the site file)
          V views the selection (use C to edit a copy)

 Plotting Configuration set to: 
       Language: tekd 
         Device: VERSATERM-TEK4105
  Port or Queue: term

238% figure

Figure makes figures and posters by drawing graphics and text
together. You can include output from other GCG graphics programs as
part of a figure. 

  Process set to plot with VERSATERM-TEK4105 attached to term
  using the tekd graphic interface.

 FIGURE from what file ?  paupdisplay.figure

 When your VERSATERM-TEK4105 attached to tty is ready, press .
This sends the graphics directly to your Tektronix emulation window. Note that this will work only on a Mac running a Tek emulation package such as Versaterm Pro.