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Freedom of Information Act

Welcome to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Home Page.

Physical Reading Room Index

This electronic site contains the index of paper copies of reading room materials currently available for public inspection and copying at the Riverdale reading room. The Physical Reading Room is located in the APHIS library at 4700 River Road, Riverdale, Maryland.

Electronic Reading Room

The Electronic Reading Room contains documents specifically identified for inclusion by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as well as documents for which we have received multiple FOIA requests. The number of items in the Electronic Reading Room undoubtedly will grow.

Guide for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requesters

The Guide provides instructions on how to use this site to obtain information and records that are useful to the requestor.

Categories of APHIS Information

    Animal Health This category contains information on animal diseases. Retrievable reports may include the location, date, and quantity of documented diseases such as Scrapie, Tuberculosis, and Brucellosis.

    Animal Welfare Animal welfare reports contain information about animal protection against cruelty and inhumanity. In places where APHIS holds animal welfare information in databases, customers will be able to query ANY and ALL fields of data that are subject to the Freedom of Information Act. In other cases, customers will be able to retrieve archived animal welfare reports.

    Financial Financial reports contain information about various financial activities and fees collected by USDA-APHIS. In places where APHIS holds financial information in databases, customers will be able to query ANY and ALL fields of data that are subject to the Freedom of Information Act. In other cases, customers will be able to retrieve archived financial reports.

    Imports and Exports APHIS stakeholders will be able to track APHIS import and export activities through detailed report retrieval. Information will be able to be obtained on such things as animal herds imported from other countries, including the quantity of animals received and final shipping destinations. Similar information will be able to be tracked for plants and exports.

    Wildlife Damage Management This category of information consists of information on the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's activities surrounding the management of various types of wildlife in different geographical regions. Reports that may be generated in this category will show the types, quantities, and wildlife damage management methods (if applicable) for American wildlife.

    Personnel To be determined.

E-FOIA Search Engine

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