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The Nevada EPA-EPSCoR Program in the Fate, Transport and Cycling of Contaminants in Arid/Semiarid Regions
EPA Grant Number: R827622E01
Title: The Nevada EPA-EPSCoR Program in the Fate, Transport and Cycling of Contaminants in Arid/Semiarid Regions
Investigators: Stetzenbach, Klaus , Gustin, Mae Sexauer , Batista, Jacimaria R. , Coleman, James
Institution: University of Nevada - Reno
EPA Project Officer: Winner, Darrell
Project Period: August 9, 1999 through August 8, 2003
Project Amount: $87,669
RFA: EPSCoR (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) (1998)
Research Category: EPSCoR (The Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research)



The University and Community College System of Nevada (UCCSN) proposes an integrated program to improve the state's overall environmental research and training capabilities and to specifically enhance competitiveness in research focused upon the dynamics and fate of contaminants in arid and semiarid regions. The SIP focuses on promoting and facilitating interdisciplinary environmental research activities among UCCSN institutions, as well as on developing connections between UCCSN and external constituencies. Specific objectives are to: 1) strengthen inter-institutional collaborations in targeted environmental research; 2) promote the development of human resources in environmental sciences and engineering; 3) strengthen interactions between UCCSN researchers and industry; and 4) enhance interactions of UCCSN researchers with environmental agencies and state leadership.


Objective 1 will be addressed by: the establishment of a Nevada Environmental Science and Technology Advisory Council (NESTAC) as a forum for communication/networking among environmental research programs within the state; facilitating the availability of shared-use facilities; and creating a registry of environmental researchers. Strategies to address Objective 2 will focus on: attracting/retaining top faculty and graduate students, particularly from under-represented groups (i.e. women and minorities), as environmental researchers; supporting junior faculty in developing their research competitiveness; increasing the exposure of undergraduates to environmental research; and supporting K-12 and community outreach activities in the environmental sciences. Objective 3 will be addressed by: promoting the UCCSN Applied Research Initiative (ARI) to the state's environmental industries; supporting researchers to visit potential industrial ARI partners; and using NESTAC as a forum to increase communications with key industries. NESTAC will also provide opportunities for UCCSN to develop closer interactions with environmental agencies and to present a stronger voice on state environmental matters (Objective 4).

Expected Results:

The SIP will produce increased collaborations between UCCSN researchers and more effective use of facilities in pursuing new environmental research opportunities. UCCSN researchers will have closer interactions with public/private environmental organizations. Junior faculty will develop grantsmanship skills and greater funding potential. Students will be provided research experiences in studying the dynamics and fate of contaminants in the region. Educational/outreach activities will improve environmental awareness/literacy in the state.

Improvements in Risk Assessment or Risk Management: The SIP, in concert with the SEER projects, will improve the state's environmental research capabilities and the understanding of the dynamics and fate of contaminants in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Thus, the accuracy of fate/transport models, as well as human and ecological exposure assessments for these ecosystems will improve.

Supplemental Keywords:

watersheds, groundwater, atmosphere, soil, plants, exposure, heavy metals, organics, biogeochemical cycling, fate, transport, arid ecosystems, southwest. , Ecosystem Protection/Environmental Exposure & Risk, INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, RFA, Scientific Discipline, Waste, Water, Air Quality, Analytical Chemistry, Bioremediation, Contaminated Sediments, Environmental Microbiology, Fate & Transport, Hazardous Waste, Microbiology, Molecular Biology/Genetics, atmospheric deposition, bioavailability, biochemistry, biodegradation, biogeochemical cycling, bioremediation of soils, contaminants in soil, contaminated sediment, contaminated soil, contaminated soils, degradation, emissions, fate and transport, modeling, natural recovery
Progress and Final Reports:

Final Report


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Last Generated: Wednesday, October 20, 2004

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