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HOME > Monitoring & Data > U.S. Soil Moisture Monitoring > Soil Moisture
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A series of maps showing most recent day, monthly and 12 months calculated soil moisture, anomalies and percentiles; 25-year average soil moisture & soil wetness that are used in the soil moisture outlook.

Soil Moisture

Soil Moisture Anomaly

Soil Moisture Percentiles

Monthly Soil Moisture Climatology

Soil Moisture Animated Loop

Full Field: unit is mm and the maximum is set to be 760 mm in the model. With a porosity of 0.47 this corresponds to a model depth of about to 1.6 meters
Wetness: ratio of calculated soil moisture (mm) to the maximum (760 mm)
Anomaly: departure from 1971-2000 Climatology (unit: mm)
Ranking Percentile: from 1932-2000 period

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Page last modified: August 22, 2002
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