Oceans: Into the Next Millennium of Oceanographic Research - This book,
in Adobe.pdf format gives an overview of all aspects of ongoing
oceanographic research. It is written for students at the middle school
(or higher) level, teachers and the general public.
NOAA National Ocean Service Publications and Products - NOS headquarters
and field offices support many web offerings that provide a rich array
of content specific to their projects and activities. Most of these
pages also provide content related links to many other sites around the
country. Topics include: coastal management, coastal services, geodesy,
maritime, response and restoration, tidal & oceanographic, science,
Marine Sanctuaries & Reserves.
VENTS Video Clips - This site presents a selection of video highlights
from NOAA/VENTS research activities, including Alvin and ROV dives,
earthquake swarm animations, and computer-generated plume models. All
the video clips on this page are MPEG movies.
The AQUARIUS is an underwater laboratory or habitat that sits 60 feet
below sea level and houses scientists that live and work inside while
they study ocean life. It is the creation and responsibility of NOAA's
National Undersea Research Center (NURC) at the University of North
Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW). Take a look at the educational materials
relating to this site.
Local Fisheries Knowledge Project - Through interviews with local fishermen, and others
in fishing-related industries, students explore the connection between fisheries, their
communities, and their own lives. In the process, students document and preserve the rich
knowledge and experiences of these individuals for future generations. Two high schools in Maine will
pilot the project over the 2003–2004 school year and participating educators will integrate the
Project into their classes and design a place-based curriculum, which provides academic benefits to
students and ensures the project is relevant to the local community.
NowCOAST - Dozens of Web pages provide real-time coastal information. However,
discovering where this information is on the Internet requires a significant amount of time
for teachers and the general public. This NOAA web mapping portal provides teachers, students,and
others with a single web site to access real-time meteorological, oceanographic, and river
observations from a variety of federal, state, and university observing networks. The Web portal uses
spatially-referenced links to access real-time observations as well as NOAA's weather and
marine forecasts and computer-based model forecast guidance. The portal allows teachers and
students access to real-time information to complement lessons on a specific estuary or
coastal region or to support general lessons on weather forecasting, watersheds, water quality, and
physical oceanography."
Marine Careers - The site includes overviews of the fields of marine
biology, oceanography, and ocean engineering; a look at what the future
is likely to hold for careers in these fields; links to a wide range of
additional resources; information on salaries in various marine science
fields; and other great stuff. "This site is a project of the Sea Grant
Programs at the University of Maine/University of New Hampshire, and
the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. It is based on the
publication Marine Science Careers: A Sea Grant Guide to Ocean
What is Sea Grant? -Through this site, teachers can access the web sites
of their local programs, which are located in coastal and Great Lakes
States and Puerto Rico, and each of which has developed its own method
of providing marine and coastal information to teachers. These methods
include summer inservice programs, newsletters, lectures, speakers,
field trip assistance, and curricula materials in print, electronic and
video formats.
Septic Education Made Simple - In the United States, over
one-third of the population treats its sewage with an on-site septic
system. Are you interested in setting up a septic education program
in your community? The Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve,
located in the state of Washington, developed the kit, with funding
and technical assistance from NOAA and the Washington Department of
Ecology. The kit was produced because failing septic systems can have
severe health, environmental, and economic impacts on communities,
especially along the coast. This is one of the most innovative
and comprehensive adult education curriculums on septic systems in
the country. The Septic Education Kit includes user-friendly fact
sheets that can be fine-tuned for any community.
Estuaries -
Where Rivers Meet the Sea
- This site has two purposes:
1. Provide information on National Estuaries Day activities, such as
Estuary Live and local National Estuarine Research Reserve and
National Estuary Program events.
2. Serve as a long-term resource for information on the importance of
estuaries and the need to protect them. This is an interagency Web
site intended to provide students, educators and the general public
with information on a variety of estuarine issues.
Frequently Asked Questions About Tsunamis - This page
provides information about tsunamis. The phenomenon (pronounced
“soo-nah-mee”) is a series of waves of extremely long wave length and
long period generated in a body of water by an impulsive disturbance
that vertically displaces the water. In the past, tsunamis were often
referred to as "tidal waves," a misnomer. Tides are the result of
gravitational influences of the moon, sun, and planets and tsunamis
are not caused by the tides and are unrelated to them.
NOAA's Marine Sanctuaries Web Site - The mission of NOAA's
Marine Sanctuaries Program is to serve as the trustee for the nation's
system of marine protected areas, to conserve, protect, and enhance
their biodiversity, ecological integrity and cultural legacy. Its goals
are appropriate to the unique diversity contained within individuals
sites. They may include restoring and rebuilding marine habitats or
ecosystems to their natural condition or monitoring and maintaining
already healthy areas. One sanctuary may protect the breeding ground of
humpback whales while another houses the remains of historical
shipwrecks. Yet all share in common a growing circle of partners and
volunteers who embrace the program's ocean ethic--to preserve and
protect and respect our nation's marine environment.
Climate and Marine Fisheries - This web page examines how changes in the
earth's climate affect marine ecosystems and fisheries. Climate varies on
different time scales, and this variation impacts fisheries in different ways. The web
page includes summary information on climate as it relates to fisheries and
provides examples of the impact on fisheries from short-term changes (El Niño scale),
from intermediate to decadal scale changes, and from long-term climate variability. It
also provides examples of the potential impact of global change on marine
fisheries, links to research on climate and fisheries, and data sources for
The Sustainable Fisheries Act Homepage - This homepage provides
information relating to the implementation of marine fishery
conservation and management laws by NOAA's National Marine fisheries
Service (NOAA's Fisheries). It provides the text of the Acts governing
marine fisheries, details of progress in implementing recent changes to
those laws, and the text of proposed regulations and other documents for
public comment. In addition, the SFA homepage provides the texts of
research reports and studies prepared at the request of Congress and
information about progress in managing Atlantic Coast highly migratory
species, including bluefin tuna, sharks, swordfish and other billfish.
The National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Protected Resources -
The site explains how the office protects endangered species, helps
conserve marine mammals and works with the Marine Mammal Stranding
Viewing Protected Marine Species in the Wild -
This web page helps the public understand its responsibilities to marine mammals
in the wild. The National Marine Fisheries Service is reponsible for managing and
protecting whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals and sea lions, and it has regulations
prohibiting feeding these marine mammals in the wild. There are also restrictions
as to how close we can get to these animals.