Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group

Feature Articles

Approximately twice per year, at least up until a year or so ago, a new set of feature articles is added to these web pages. These are contributed articles describing models, projects, or tools of general interest to the modeling community. The articles may be simple project summaries, notes about modeling tools, or full-blown publications. I hope you find them to be interesting. The next set may appear by September, 2004.

September 2002

o Near-Real-Time Flood Modeling and Mapping for the Internet
by Joseph L. Jones1 and Janice M. Fulford2
1 USGS - Tacoma, Washington
2 USGS - Stennis Space Center, Mississippi

o Effects of a Simulated Change in Land Cover on Surface-Water Velocity Distribution at a Bridge in Southeastern Arkansas
by C. Shane Barks and Jaysson E. Funkhouser
USGS - Little Rock, Arkansas

o Use of Velocity Data to Calibrate and Validate Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models
by Chad R. Wagner and David S. Mueller
USGS - Louisville, Kentucky

o A Comment on the Use of Flushing Time, Residence Time, and Age as Transport Time Scales
by Nancy E. Monsen1, James E. Cloern1, Lisa V. Lucas1, and Stephen G. Monismith2
1 USGS - Menlo Park, California
2 Stanford University, Stanford, CA

o Evaluating Water Allocations for Drought Management
by Sharon G. Campbell1, Marshall Flug1, and R. Blair Hanna2
1 USGS - Fort Collins, Colorado
2 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

o Estimation of Tidal Marsh Loading Effects in a Complex Estuary
by Paul A. Conrads1, Edwin A. Roehl2, and John B. Cook3
1 USGS, Columbia, South Carolina
2 Advanced Data Mining, Greer, South Carolina
3 Charleston Commiss. of Public Works, Charleston, South Carolina

o Development of a Neural Network Model for Dissolved Oxygen in the Tualatin River, Oregon
by Stewart A. Rounds
USGS - Portland, Oregon

o Simulating the Effects of Ground-Water Withdrawals on Streamflow in a Precipitation-Runoff Model
by Phillip J. Zarriello1, Paul M. Barlow1, and Paul B. Duda2
1 USGS - Northborough, Massachusetts
2 Aqua Terra Consultants, Dacatur, Georgia

o Estimating Cumulative Effects of Clearcutting on Stream Temperatures
by John M. Bartholow
USGS - Fort Collins, Colorado

March 2002
o Modeling Water Quality in Rivers using the Branched Lagrangian Transport Model (BLTM)
by Harvey E. Jobson
USGS - Reston, Virginia

o Estimating Point-Source Impacts on the Beaufort River Using Artificial Neural Network Models
by Paul A. Conrads1, Edwin A. Roehl, Jr.2, and William P. Martello3
1 USGS - Columbia, South Carolina
2 Advanced Data Mining - Greer, South Carolina
3 Jordan, Jones, and Goulding - Athens, Georgia

o Mountain Island Lake, North Carolina: Analysis of Ambient Conditions and Simulation of Hydrodynamics, Constituent Transport, and Water-Quality Characteristics, 1996-97
by Jerad D. Bales1, Kathleen M. Sarver2, and Mary J. Giorgino1
1 USGS - Raleigh, North Carolina
2 USGS - Charlotte, North Carolina

o Analysis of Ambient Conditions and Simulation of Hydrodynamics, Constituent Transport, and Water-Quality Characteristics in Lake Maumelle, Arkansas, 1991-92
by W. Reed Green
USGS - Little Rock, Arkansas

o Evaluating the Effects of Urbanization and Land-Use Planning Using Ground-Water and Surface-Water Models
by Randall J. Hunt and Jeffrey J. Steuer
USGS - Middleton, Wisconsin

o Simulation of Flow and Evaluation of Bridge Scour at Horse Island Chute Bridge near Chester, Illinois
by Richard J. Huizinga and Paul H. Rydlund, Jr.
USGS - Rolla, Missouri

o Calibration and Validation of a Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of the Ohio River, Jefferson County, Kentucky
by Chad R. Wagner and David S. Mueller
USGS - Louisville, Kentucky

o Steady-State Flow Distribution and Monthly Flow Duration in Selected Branches of St. Clair and Detroit Rivers within the Great Lakes Waterway
by David J. Holtschlag1 and John A. Koschik2
1 USGS - Lansing, Michigan
2 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, Detroit, Michigan

March 2001
o Visualization of Drifting Buoy Deployments on St. Clair River near Public Water Intakes-October 3-5, 2000
by David J. Holtschlag and Steve S. Aichele
USGS - Lansing, Michigan

o Equations for Estimating Clark Unit-Hydrograph Parameters for Small Rural Watersheds in Illinois
by Timothy D. Straub1, Charles S. Melching2, and Kyle E. Kocher3
1 USGS - Urbana, Illinois
2 Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
3 Reitz & Jens Inc., St. Louis, Missouri

o Characterization of Rainfall-Runoff Response and Estimation of the Effect of Wetland Restoration on Runoff, Heron Lake Basin, Southwestern Minnesota, 1991-1997
by Perry M. Jones and Thomas A. Winterstein
USGS - Mounds View, Minnesota

o Effects of Water Withdrawals on Streamflow in the Ipswich River Basin, Massachusetts
by Phillip J. Zarriello
USGS - Northborough, Massachusetts

o Modeling Water Quality in the Tualatin River, Oregon, 1991-1997
by Stewart A. Rounds and Tamara M. Wood
USGS - Portland, Oregon

September 2000
o Real-Time Control of the Salt Front in a Complex, Tidally Affected River Basin
by Edwin A. Roehl1, Paul A. Conrads2, and Thomas A. S. Roehl3
1 OptiQuest Technologies - Greenville, South Carolina
2 USGS - Columbia, South Carolina
3 Riverside High School, Greer, South Carolina

o Characterization of Water Quality and Simulation of Temperature, Nutrients, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, and Dissolved Oxygen in the Wateree River, South Carolina, 1996-98
by Toby D. Feaster and Paul A. Conrads
USGS - Columbia, South Carolina

o Bottom Currents and Sediment Transport in Long Island Sound: A Modeling Study
by Richard P. Signell, Jeffrey H. List, and Amy S. Farris
USGS - Woods Hole, Massachusetts

o Bias in Runoff Parameter Estimation Induced by Rainfall Data
by Timothy D. Straub and Ronald J. Bednar
USGS - Urbana, Illinois

March 2000
o Modifications to the Diffusion Analogy Surface-Water Flow Model (DAFLOW) for Coupling to the Modular Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model (MODFLOW)
by Harvey E. Jobson and Arlen W. Harbaugh
USGS - Reston, Virginia

o Using OTIS to Model Solute Transport in Streams and Rivers
by Robert L. Runkel
USGS - Denver, Colorado

o Estimates of Runoff Using Water-Balance and Atmospheric General Circulation Models
by David M. Wolock1 and Gregory J. McCabe2
1 USGS - Lawrence, Kansas
2 USGS - Denver, Colorado

o General-Circulation-Model Simulations of Future Snowpack in the Western United States
by Gregory J. McCabe1 and David M. Wolock2
1 USGS - Denver, Colorado
2 USGS - Lawrence, Kansas

o Modeling Sand Bank Formation Around Tidal Headlands
by Richard P. Signell and Courtney K. Harris
USGS - Woods Hole, Massachusetts

o Modeling Surface Trapped River Plumes: A Sensitivity Study
by Jason Hyatt and Richard P. Signell
USGS - Woods Hole, Massachusetts

September 1999
o Predicting the Physical Effects of Relocating Boston's Sewage Outfall
by Richard P. Signell1, Harry L. Jenter2, and Alan F. Blumberg3
1 USGS, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
2 USGS, Reston, Virginia
3 HydroQual, Inc, Mahwah, New Jersey

o Watershed Modeling Approach to Assessing the Hydrologic Effects of Future Development in the Ninemile Creek Basin, Onondaga County, New York
by Phillip J. Zarriello
USGS - Ithaca, New York

o Hydraulic Modeling of In-channel Habitats in the Ozark Highlands of Missouri: Assessment of Physical Habitat Sensitivity to Environmental Change
by Maria S. Panfil and Robert B. Jacobson
USGS - Columbia, Missouri

March 1999
o Comparing Physics-Based and Neural Network Models for Simulating Salinity, Temperature, and Dissolved Oxygen in a Complex, Tidally Affected River Basin
by Paul A. Conrads1 and Edwin A. Roehl Jr.2
1USGS - Columbia, South Carolina
2OptiQuest Technologies - Greenville, South Carolina

o Real-Time Control for Matching Wastewater Discharges to the Assimilative Capacity of a Complex, Tidally Affected River Basin
by Edwin A. Roehl Jr.1 and Paul A. Conrads2
1OptiQuest Technologies - Greenville, South Carolina
2USGS - Columbia, South Carolina

o Precipitation-Runoff, Suspended-Sediment, and Flood-Frequency Characteristics for Urbanized Areas of Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska
by Timothy P. Brabets
USGS - Anchorage, Alaska

o Analysis of Transient Storage Subject to Unsteady Flow: Diel Flow Variation in an Antarctic Stream
by Robert L. Runkel1, Diane M. McKnight2, and Edmund D. Andrews3
1USGS - Denver, Colorado
2University of Colorado, Boulder
3USGS - Boulder, Colorado

o Construction of a Precipitation-Runoff Model for Pheasant Branch Creek, Middleton, WI
by Jeffrey J. Steuer
USGS - Middleton, Wisconsin

September 1998
o Dynamic Modeling of Water-Supply Reservoir Physical and Chemical Processes
by Jerad D. Bales and Mary J. Giorgino
USGS - Raleigh, North Carolina

o Updating Flood Inundation Maps Efficiently: Building on Existing Hydraulic Information and Modern Elevation Data with a GIS
by Joseph L. Jones, Tana L. Haluska, Alex K. Williamson, and Martha L. Erwin
USGS - Tacoma, Washington

o Spatially Referenced Regression Modeling of Nutrient Loading in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
by Stephen D. Preston1, Richard A. Smith2, Gregory E. Schwarz2, Richard B. Alexander2, and John W. Brakebill1
1USGS - Baltimore, Maryland
2USGS - Reston, Virginia

o Simulation Model for Open-Channel Flow and Transport
by Raymond W. Schaffranek
USGS - Reston, Virginia

o The Fox River PCB Transport Study - Stepping Stone to a Healthy Great Lakes Ecosystem
by Sharon A. Fitzgerald1 and Jeffrey J. Steuer2
1USGS - St. Petersburg, Florida
2USGS - Middleton, Wisconsin

o Does the Sverdrup Critical Depth Model Explain Bloom Dynamics in Estuaries?
by Lisa V. Lucas1,2, James E. Cloern1, Jeffrey R. Koseff2, Stephen G. Monismith2, and Janet K. Thompson1,2
1USGS - Menlo Park, California
2Stanford University - Stanford, California

March 1998
o Two-dimensional Habitat Modeling in the Yellowstone / Upper Missouri River System
by Terry Waddle, Ken Bovee, and Zachary Bowen
USGS - Fort Collins, Colorado

o Flood-Control Effects of Truckee River Basin Reservoirs, December 31, 1996, Through January 4, 1997, California and Nevada
by Steven N. Berris, Glen W. Hess, R. Lynn Taylor, and Larry R. Bohman
USGS - Carson City, Nevada

o Using CE-QUAL-W2 to Assess the Effect of Reduced Phosphorus Loads on Chlorophyll-a and Dissolved Oxygen in the Tualatin River, Oregon
by Tamara Wood and Stewart Rounds
USGS - Portland, Oregon

o Using CE-QUAL-W2 to Assess the Ammonia Assimilative Capacity of the Tualatin River, Oregon
by Stewart Rounds and Tamara Wood
USGS - Portland, Oregon

o Effects of Model Output Time-Averaging on the Determination of the Assimilative Capacity of the Waccamaw River and Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
by Paul A. Conrads
USGS - Columbia, South Carolina

o Comparison of Nine Uncalibrated Runoff Models to Observed Flows in Two Small Urban Watersheds
by Phillip J. Zarriello
USGS - Ithaca, New York

September 1997
o Estimating Ice-Affected Streamflow by Extended Kalman Filtering
by David J. Holtschlag1 and Mohinder S. Grewal2
1USGS - Lansing, Michigan
2California State University - Fullerton

o Summary of Water Temperature Calibration for a CE-QUAL-W2 Model of Shasta Lake, California
by Laurel Saito and John Bartholow
USGS - Fort Collins, Colorado

o Snowmelt-Runoff Predictions in the Sierra Nevada
by D.R. Cayan1,2, M.D. Dettinger2, D.H. Peterson2, N. Knowles1, H.F. Diaz3, L. Ingram4, L. Riddle1, R.E. Smith2, and R. Uncles5
1Scripps Institution of Oceanography - La Jolla, California
2U.S. Geological Survey
3NOAA/ERL/Climate Diagnostics Center - Boulder, Colorado
4University of California - Berkeley
5Plymouth Marine Laboratory - UK

o Enhancements to the Branched Lagrangian Transport Modeling System
by Harvey Jobson
USGS - Reston, Virginia

April 1997
o Simulation of Hourly Stream Temperature for the Truckee River, California and Nevada
by R. Lynn Taylor
USGS - Carson City, Nevada

o Spotlight on the Illinois District Modeling Program
compiled by Audrey Ishii
USGS - Urbana, Illinois

December 1996
o Predicting Traveltime and Dispersion in Channels
by Harvey Jobson
USGS - Reston, Virginia

o Flow and Transport in the Pamlico and Neuse River Estuaries, North Carolina
by Jerad Bales
USGS - Raleigh, North Carolina

o Spotlight on the South Carolina District Modeling Program
by Stewart Rounds
USGS - Portland, Oregon
with help from Paul Conrads, Wladmir Guimaraes, and Toby Feaster
USGS - Columbia, South Carolina

March 1996
o Simulation Models for Conservative and Nonconservative Solute Transport in Streams
by Robert Runkel
USGS - Lakewood, Colorado

o Modeling Discharge, Heat, and Water Quality in the Tualatin River with CE-QUAL-W2
by Stewart Rounds, Tamara Wood, and Dennis Lynch
USGS - Portland, Oregon

o The Truckee-Carson program
by Larry Bohman
USGS - Carson City, Nevada

o A Procedure to Generate Slope-Area Plots and Compute Estimated Discharge for Peak Flows in the Field Using a Portable Computer
by Charles Berenbrock
USGS - Boise, Idaho

o Using QUALTX and DAFLOW/BLTM to Simulate Water Quality in Texas Rivers
by Joy Lizarraga
USGS - Towson, Maryland

To contribute a feature article, simply:
o email the text to me at, or
o FAX a hardcopy to me at (503) 251-3470, or
o send me email with an ftp address where I can retreive your file.
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Stewart Rounds, SMIG coordinator <>
U.S. Geological Survey
Last modified Friday, 19-Mar-2004 10:54:17 EST
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