Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group

Reading Room - Books of Interest

o Surface Water Quality Modeling
Steve Chapra's book on water-quality modeling fundamentals, from McGraw-Hill (1997).

o Hydrodynamics and Transport for Water Quality Modeling
By James Martin and Steven McCutcheon, published by Lewis Publishers (CRC Press).

o Sediment Flux Modeling
A sediment modeling book by Dominic M. DiToro of Manhattan College (2001).

o Waterbody Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling: An Introductory Workbook and CD-ROM on Three-Dimensional Waterbody Modeling
A water-quality modeling book by John E. Edinger (ASCE Press, 2001).

o Rainfall-Runoff Modeling: The Primer
A primer on this topic by Keith Beven (ASCE Press, 2001).

o EPA modeling document online!
Rates, Constants, and Kinetics Formulations in Surface Water Quality Modeling, 2nd ed. (EPA/600/3-85/040)
A wonderful reference tool -- pick up a copy online.

o Haestad Methods water resources modeling texts
Several new titles from Haestad Press:

o Modeling Hydraulic Change: Statistical Methods
A conceptual and statistical modeling text by Richard H. McCuen (CRC Press, 2002).

o ASCE Books:
Hydraulic Modeling: Concepts and Practice
Open Channel Flow

o Estimating hydrology and hydraulic parameters for HSPF
A technical note from EPA, helpful for the application of the BASINS model.

o Kinematic Wave Modeling in Water Resources
Vijay Singh's book: Kinematic Wave Modeling in Water Resources: Surface-water Hydrology

o Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology
Edited by Vijay P. Singh, this book has chapters on many of the most popular watershed models, including TOPMODEL, HSPF, PRMS, SWMM, and others. A CD-ROM is also available.

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Stewart Rounds, SMIG coordinator <>
U.S. Geological Survey
Last modified Thursday, 22-Apr-2004 11:33:16 EDT
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