Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group

Reading Room - Recommended Reading

o Rhodamine WT Reader - revised 9/30/2004 (new!)
Readings on the reactivity and transport characteristics of the Rhodamine WT tracer -- compiled by Ken Bencala and Marisa Cox (USGS, Menlo Park).

o Transient Storage Reader 1 - revised 11/07/2001
Essential references for starting an application of the transient storage concept -- compiled by Ken Bencala (USGS, Menlo Park).

o Transient Storage Reader 2 - revised 11/07/2001
An extensive reading list on the transient storage concept and related hyporheic zone processes -- compiled by Ken Bencala (USGS, Menlo Park).

o Bromide Stream Tracer Reference List - compiled 12/21/2000
A reference list for the use of bromide as a stream tracer -- compiled by Ken Bencala and Marisa Cox (USGS, Menlo Park).

o Neural Network Model reading list - updated 11/21/2002
A list of recent publications in which neural network models have been applied to environmental systems -- compiled by Paul Conrads and Stewart Rounds (USGS, SC and OR).

o Standard Methods for Stream Tracer Injection Studies
A list of publications of USGS standard methods for stream tracer injection studies -- compiled by Ken Bencala (USGS, Menlo Park).

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Stewart Rounds, SMIG coordinator <>
U.S. Geological Survey
Last modified Friday, 01-Oct-2004 18:33:21 EDT
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