Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group

Reading Room - Searches

o USGS library
Online resources from the USGS libraries.

o GeoRef
Search GeoRef, a worldwide bibliographic database of geologic literature.

o ingenta (used to be UnCover)
An online index and delivery service for 25,000 periodicals.

o Library of Congress
Search the online catalog of the Library of Congress!

o EPA's publications web site
Order selected EPA publications online, for free!

o EPA's Science Inventory
A searchable catalog of EPA science activities and technical products

o The Scientific World
Access to the sciBASE databases of scientific, technical and medical research literature

A free literature searching tool from the U.S. Department of Energy.

o WRSIC Research Abstracts
Search the USGS Water Resources Scientific Information Center (WRSIC) research abstracts database.

Search the USGS Selected Water Resources Abstracts.

NRC's Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information has some library services.

o Federal R&D
Descriptions and summaries of federaly funded research.

o GrayLit Network
Search for technical reports from selected US federal agencies.

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Stewart Rounds, SMIG coordinator <>
U.S. Geological Survey
Last modified Monday, 12-Jan-2004 13:16:43 EST
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