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Rep. Tom Allen Supports U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement

July 14, 2004

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Forecasts the pact will create “opportunities for Maine businesses and jobs for Maine workers”

Washington, D.C.—U.S. Representative Tom Allen today joined a bipartisan majority in the House voting to approve the U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA). 

“Under this new agreement, trade between Maine and Australia is likely to grow even faster, creating opportunities for Maine businesses and jobs for Maine workers,” Representative Allen said.  “Australia is the 12th largest foreign market for the State of Maine.  Last year, Maine exported $29 million in goods and services to Australia.  This pact eliminates 99 percent of all tariffs on manufactured goods, including paper and wood products, and reduces barriers to Maine agricultural and services exporters.  Because Australia is a developed country with strong labor and environmental laws, this FTA does not engage the debate over the need to promote effective labor and environmental standards through trade policy.” 

The U.S.-Australia FTA is a comprehensive trade agreement that commits both nations to eliminate tariffs on most of their bilateral trade goods, and seeks to ensure nondiscriminatory treatment in most areas of bilateral trade services, government procurement, and foreign investments.

Representative Allen also re-iterated his strong reservations about the pharmaceutical provisions in the U.S.-Australia FTA, warning that they not be included in future deals.

“The Agreement has a provision that would permit legal challenges under trade law to legislation designed to allow the re-importation of prescription drugs,” Representative Allen said.  “This sets a bad precedent for Mainers hoping to import affordable drugs from Canada and elsewhere.  It is not right for a free trade agreement to restrict free trade in the products of a politically influential sector.  The Agreement also opens up Medicare for potential changes, setting a worrisome precedent about subjecting domestic health laws to modification through trade negotiations.” 

contact: Mark Sullivan, (207)774-5019


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