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Tom Allen - Representating teh First District of Maine

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Statement on the Report of EPA’s Inspector General on the Bush Administration’s NSR Revisions

October 1, 2004

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Washington, D.C.—U.S. Representative Tom Allen issued the following statement today on the report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Inspector General (IG) on the Bush Administration’s revisions to its New Source Review (NSR) regulations pursuant to the Clean Air Act:

 “On Thursday, the EPA’s own Inspector General issued a thorough report confirming that the Bush Administration undermined the most significant legal effort to address deadly pollution in the last ten years.  The New Source Review enforcement actions in federal court, initiated by the Clinton Administration, attempted to hold owners of coal-fired power plants accountable for rebuilding plants without installing air pollution controls required by the Clean Air Act.  The IG found that the Administration’s revised NSR regulations ‘seriously hampered’ EPA litigation to enforce the Clean Air Act.

 “Old coal-fired power plants have illegally emitted pollution responsible for thousands of premature deaths and countless asthma attacks.  The Bush Administration must stop bending and breaking the Clean Air Act in order to permit the energy industry, its largest campaign contributor, to increase emissions.  This Administration should enforce the law authored by former Senator George Mitchell and signed into law by the current President’s own father.”

contact: Mark Sullivan, (207)774-5019


Maine Address:
234 Oxford Street
Portland, Maine 04101
Fax: 207-871-0720

Washington Address:
1717 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Fax: 202-225-5590

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