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Comments on Proposed Rule:
Electronic Recordkeeping by Investment Companies and Investment Advisers

[Release No. IC-24890; IA-1932; File No. S7-06-01]

  • Comments of Bill Masi, May 8, 2001 (File name: masi1.htm)

  • Comments of Craig A. Goettsch, NASAA Investment Advisor, Section Chair, North American Securities Administrators Association; April 21, 2001 (File name: goettsc1.htm)

  • Comments of Elaine A. Lindenmayer, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.; April 19, 20001 (File name: lindenm1.htm)

  • Paul S. Gottlieb, Chair, SIA-Investment Advisory Committee; Gerald T. Lins, Chair, SIA-Investment Company Committee; Elaine Laurence, Chair, SIA-Technology and Regulatory Committee, Securities Industry Association; April 19, 2001 (File name: gottlie1.htm)

  • Comments of Duane R. Thompson, Director of Government Relations, The Financial Planning Association; April 19, 2001 (File name: thompso1.htm)

  • Karen L. Barr, General Counsel, The Investment Counsel Association of America; April 17, 2001 (File name: barr1.htm)

Modified: 07/07/2003