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Comments on Proposed Rule:
Supervised Investment Bank Holding Companies

[Release Nos. 34-48694; File No. S7-22-03]

  • Comments of Marshall J. Levinson, Senior Vice President, of Bear Stearns Companies, Inc., March 15, 2004 (File name: s72203-4.pdf)
  • Comments of David L. Mengle, Head of Research, International Swaps and Derivatives Association, February 4, 2004 (File name: isda020404.htm)
  • Memorandum from Matthew J. Eichner, Assistant Director, Division of Market Regulation regarding a meeting with Merrill Lynch and Company dated December 19, 2003 (File name: s72203-1.pdf)

  • Memorandum from Bonnie Gauch regarding December 16, 2003 meeting with the SIA and broker-dealer representatives dated January 6, 2003 (File name: s72203-2.pdf)

  • Comments of an anonymous reviewer, November 19, 2003 (File name: priscilla111903.htm)

Modified: 03/22/2004