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Comments on Proposed Rule
Year 2000 Readiness Reports To Be Made By Transfer Agents

(Release No. 34-39726; File No. S7-8-98)

  • Comments of Rose Marie Ralph, Assistant Secretary and Director of Corporate and Shareholder Services Department, The Montana Company, August 12, 1998. (File name: ralph1.txt)

  • Comments of First Data Investor Services Group, Inc., April 23, 1998. (File name: fdisgi1.txt)

  • Comments of Michael J. Castellano, Merrill Lynch, April 20, 1998. (File name: castell1.htm)

  • Comments of W. Hardy Callcott, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., April 16, 1997. (File name: callcot2.htm)

  • Comments of Tiffany Bolden, NASD Regulation, Inc., Washington, D.C., April 16, 1998. (File name: bolden1.htm)

  • Comments of Dr. Peter Korn, President, Westview Securities Inc., April 15, 1998. (File name: korn2.txt)

  • Comments of Hugh M. Ross, Associate Counsel, ChaseMellon Shareholder Services, L.L.C., April 13, 1998. (File name: ross3.htm)

  • Comments of Melinda T. Schmidt, Vice President and Director of Compliance, April 3, 1998. (File name: schmidt1.htm)

Modified: 06/04/1999