Idaho National Engineering & Environmental Laboratory

Idaho Completion Project

Idaho Completion Project
Waste Types

Waste Types Managed at the INEEL

Waste Type Description
Transuranic Waste (TRU)
  • Contains elements with atomic numbers greater than 92, has radioactivity greater than 100 nanocuries per gram and a half-life of more than 20 years.
  • Waste stored aboveground is governed by the 1995 Settlement Agreement/Court Order.
  • Chiefly resulted from Cold War weapons production
  • Requires permanent isolation for disposal
High-Level Waste (HLW)
  • Contains long-lived radionuclides and hazardous substances such as acids, caustics, metals and organic solvents
  • Exists in both liquid and solid forms
  • Generated by only a few processes (from spent nuclear fuel reprocessing at the INEEL)
  • Requires permanent isolation for disposal

Mixed Low-Level Waste (MLLW)


  • Contains components of both low-level radioactive and hazardous waste
  • May contain various radionuclides
  • Often includes metals, organic solvents, cyanides, explosive compounds, acids and caustics
  • Generated by nuclear defense, facility dismantlement and research activities
  • Often requires new treatment technologies
  • Will be finally disposed of off site
Low-Level Waste (LLW)
  • Defined by not meeting the definitions for high-level, transuranic, spent nuclear fuel or by-product materials
  • Does not contain hazardous substances
  • Generated by most nuclear activities
  • Chiefly consists of contaminated wood, soils, tools and equipment (at the INEEL)
  • Often incinerated, sized or compacted before disposal in below-ground containers or vaults
Hazardous Waste
  • Contains corrosive, ignitable, reactive or toxic materials
  • Does not contain radioactive components
  • Generated by everyday activities
  • Often consists of process waste, organic solvents, lead and lead-contaminated debris
  • Characterized and shipped out of Idaho to commercial treatment and disposal facilities within a 90-day time frame
Industrial Waste
  • Consists of solid waste debris such as asbestos, paper or wood
  • Does not contain hazardous or radioactive components Generated by industrial activities