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    ES&H; Document Collection

    The ES&H; Document Collection contains documents organized by EH activities. All documents can be found in the specific subject catagory noted below.


    A collection of publications made available through the ES&H Document Collection  





    Price-Anderson Enforcement 
    Documents supporting the DOE's congressional mandate to apply sanctions to contractors for unsafe actions or conditions that violate nuclear safety requirements for protecting workers and the public.  





    A collection of environmentally-friendly information, including NEPA Analyses, Environmental Assessments, NEPAnet, and Records of Decision. 





    Health Programs  
    Documents relevant to the health and safety of DOE workers and communities surrounding DOE





    Facility & Nuclear Safety 
    A collection of program information to assist line management in protecting the health and safety of DOE facility workers.   




    Corporate Performance Assessment
    Documents supporting analysis and certification of DOE-wide performance in protecting the public, the workers, and the environment while performing the missions of DOE.





    Worker Advocacy 
    Documents relevant to former DOE worker compensation claims through the EEOICPA 

    Planning & Administration 
    Documents supporting the planning, budgeting, training, financial, human resources, and program execution processes for DOE employees.  

    Archived Web Sites A collection of web sites formerly created and hosted by ES&H

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