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PHABSIM for Windows: User's Manual and Exercises

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Terry Waddle
U.S. Geological Survey
2150 Centre Avenue, Bldg C
Fort Collins, CO 80526


In the 1970's a major change in terminology regarding maintaining streamflow to protect aquatic organisms in streams was introduced. To some, the change was considered merely semantic. But to those whose pioneering work led to the change, it was both substantive and significant. The change was from common usage of the term "low flow" or "minimum flow" to the common usage of the term "instream flow." During the early 1970's, the Water Resources Research Catalog served as an index of most of the ongoing research related to water resources, with each project identified by several key words. As late as 1975, the Catalog contained no research projects under the key words instream flow, while at the same time, there were many studies using the key words low flow.

Citation: Waddle, T.J., ed. 2001. PHABSIM for Windows: User's manual and exercises. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Geological Survey. USGS Open-File Report 01-340. 288 p.


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