Enlisted Promotions: Cutting Scores On-line
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Enlisted Promotions: Cutting Scores On-line

      As of Software Release 2-00, units may use the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) to view:
      1. active and reserve promotion parameters for the current promotion quarter
      2. active and reserve cutting scores for the current promotion month.
      Type "CCOS" in MCTFS and select the desired option:
      9999 indicates the specified MOS to that rank is closed!
      F2 = Active promotion parameters for LCpl / Cpl
      F4 = Active Cutting Score Table
      F5 = Reserve promotion parameters for LCpl / Cpl.
      F6 = Reserve Cutting Score Table
      F7 = Active/Reserve promotion parameters for LCpl / Cpl
      F8 = Active/Reserve Cutting Score Table
      Do not use "CCOS" to view Active Reserve cutting scores. See MARADMIN. Only Active Reserve cutting scores are listed on the MARADMIN. See "CCOS" for Drilling Reserve (SMCR) cutting scores.
      Changes will be made to the cutting scores during the third week of each month and changes to the promotion parameters will be made at the end of the 2nd month of each promotion quarter. During this time data may be constantly changing. To ensure accurate cutting score information is obtained for each month, units should not view the cutting scores until after select grades have been received on their Diary Feedback Report (DFR).
      Effective 1 January 2001, cutting scores are no longer published on MarAdmins.
      The MarAdmin will contain authority to effect the promotions of Marines who receive select grades generated on the unit's DFR. Attachments below are cutting scores to sergeant and corporal for the next promotion month.

Last modified on 10/13/2004

Visited 22674 times since 09/28/2004.

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