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Department of the Navy Chief Information Office
Mr. Dave Wennergren

Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command
Rear Admiral Kenneth D. Slaght

Space & Naval Warfare Systems Center, Charleston
Commanding Officer
Captain John W. R. Pope III

Sharon Anderson     Nancy Reasor
Senior Editor         Assistant Editor

CHIPS is sponsored by the Department of the Navy Chief Information Office (DON CIO) and the DON IT Umbrella Program Office, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, San Diego, CA.

CHIPS is published quarterly by the Space & Naval Warfare Systems Center, Charleston. USPS 757-910 Periodical postage paid at Norfolk, VA and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send changes to CHIPS, SSC Charleston, Norfolk Office,9456 Fourth Ave, Norfolk, VA 23511-2130.

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Changes. Requests for distribution changes or for other assistance should be directed to Editor, CHIPS, SSC Charleston, Norfolk Office, 9456 Fourth, /Ave, Norfolk, VA 23511-2130, or call (757) 444-8704; DSN 564. E-mail address:; FAX (757) 445-2103; DSN 565. Web address:

Disclaimer. The views and opinions contained in CHIPS are not necessarily those of the Department of Defense nor do they constitute endorsement or approval by the DON CIO, DON IT Umbrella Program Office or SPAWAR Systems Center, Charleston. The facts as presented in each article are verified insofar as possible, but the opinions are strictly those of the individual authors.