Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa
Commander's Phone Message

September 1, 2004

Hello from the Horn of Africa! Thanks for taking the time to check in this week. Again, another very busy week at Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa. This week the command had the distinct pleasure of hosting a congressional delegation and the United States Army’s Chief of Chaplains. For these distinguished visitors to take time out of their busy schedules to visit us in the Horn, says much of our efforts here.

On Monday, August 30, a congressional delegation led by Congressman Jeff Miller of Florida and consisting of representatives of Guam, Arkansas and Oklahoma, visited Camp Lemonier to visit with the troops and see some of the great work being done here. Opportunities like this afford the Command the forum to showcase what we are doing here to those who represent our families back home, and for this we are grateful.

Later on in the week Major General Hicks, U.S. Army Chief of Chaplains, visited the Horn observe the spiritual programs conducted at Camp Lemonier and to learn about what we do here in Djibouti. Because of the capable leadership provided by the camp’s chaplains, Gen Hicks left us the with knowledge that our servicemen and women’s spiritual needs were being well taken care of.

Thanks again, as always for your support of you forward deployed family members. Your contribution to our efforts are greater than you will ever know. Farewell and Godspeed!

The Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa Commander's message and information line is available toll free at 1-866-360-3775 or Camp Lejeune area 1-910-451-2222.