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Common Logistics Command & Control System (CLC2S) Virtual Trainer (VT)

Common Logistics Command & Control System CLC2S is a Combat Service Support management tool. CLC2S provides a CSSOC with a simple LogC2 capability to improve service support coordination and execution monitoring. CLC2S provides improved management and control of tactical-level resources and service support requirements while providing the MAGTF Commander and his staff with an automated means to quickly view his warfighting readiness posture.

The VT explains the basic system operations, reference guides, videos, concept of employments and operations. The VT is focused on the five automated modules within CLC2S:
  1. Rapid Request Tracking System (RRTS) - provides users with an simple automated means to request services and to track them from submission to completion.
  2. Enhanced CSSOC System (ECS) - provides a common repository for data and asset visibility; bridges logistics planning to execution; web based system for managing personnel, supplies and equipment;
  3. Logistics Planning and Execution (Log P&E;) - create a mission, calculate sustainment for CLASS I, III and V items, estimate support requirements and assess feasibility and plan preparations, provides unit status and set alerts.
  4. Engineering Planning and Execution (Eng P&E;) - provides a project planner, engineering archive of technical reference information, and specific engineering planning and execution tools. Being significantly improved soon.
  5. C2PC Injector - unit readiness status can easily be projected and associated to unit symbologies on C2PC for tracking logistics in a tactical picture. It provides status of personnel, supplies, and equipment and when clicked upon will open up a CLC2S window.
Additionally, the system has a "lite data" environment to allow detached communications queuing capability on tactical radios, works with computers and handhelds, and has an embedded "virtual" training capability. This virtual training is now available to all Marines on MarineNet: Additional information on CLC2S can be found at

The CLC2S Virtual Trainer is available in the MarineNet Library section under the Courses heading. The Virtual Trainer requires no enrollment. Please contact the MarineNet Helpdesk (1.888.4DL.USMC) if you have problems activating your MarineNet account of accessing this product.

We are continually working to ensure this Web site is accessible to all visitors. If you find a problem that prevents access, please contact us. This Web site will be updated as new information is received.

This is an official Marine Corps Web site.