Sergeant Major of the Army Sergeant Major of the Army website
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As an integral team effort in helping meet the Army's recruiting mission, the Sergeant Major of the Army has organized Operation SMART (Sergeant Major of the Army Recruiting Team). This program provides a certificate and coin from the Sergeant Major of the Army for any referral of a potential applicant, which then results in an enlistment in the Regular Army or the Army Reserve.

At the end of each fiscal year, the individual with the best record of referrals and resulting enlistment’s will be invited, along with their unit support officers to the Annual Chief of Staff of the Army, Recruiter of Excellence Award Ceremony in Washington, DC. They will be personally recognized for their achievement.

If you need help contact the Operation SMART coordinator by clicking here.

Bookmark this page and feel free to come back often with more referrals.

Send your referral now!


    SUBJECT: Operation "SMART"

    ISSUE: To provide an overview of Operation "SMART". Due to the Army wide involvement and CSA's intent, this program will be a topic during the CG's CSA brief within the first 60 days.


    1. Operation "SMART" is a program which is designed for our soldiers, to assist the United States Army Recruiting Command with our recruiting mission. This program is entitled Operation "SMART" (Sergeants Major of the Army Recruiting Team). The program is an initiative to assist our recruiting force in providing the strength for America's Army. Note:  If you cannot access the referral page, please submit your USAR referral by calling 1-800-223-3735 ext. 6-1292.

    2. Additionally, this program creates a partnership and promotes camaraderie between the recruiting battalions and the installation/regional support command CSMs in their battalion area. Installation CSMs are charged with introducing Operation "SMART" to all CSMs/SGMs on their installation. The program will work as cited below.

    a. Anyone who refers an applicant, which results in an enlistment into the Regular Army or Army Reserve will receive a certificate and coin from the Sergeant Major of the Army.

    b. At the end of each quarter, HQ USAREC will publish the names of the soldiers and their units who provide the most referrals and the most enlistments from those referrals.

    c. At the end of each fiscal year, the soldier (along with his/her CSM or SGM) who has provided the most referrals and the most enlistments from those referrals will be invited to the Annual Chief of Staff of the Army, Recruiter of Excellence Award Ceremony in Washington, DC where he or she will be personally recognized by the Office of the Sergeant Major of the Army.