Quartermaster Branch Insignia

Quartermaster Regimental Insignia  


Office of the Quartermaster General


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Our Mission

The mission of the Officer Proponency Division is to manage the Army's active duty Quartermaster Corps officers within the framework of the eight personnel life cycle functions:

  • Structure

  • Acquisition

  • Individual Training and Education

  • Distribution

  • Deployment

  • Sustainment

  • Professional Development

  • Separation

The Officer Proponency Division in the Office of the Quartermaster General (OQMG) manages officer programs and policies for the Quartermaster General  in conjunction with the U.S. Human Resources Command (HRCOM), the U.S. Army G-1,  and the Major Army Commands (MACOMs).

Some aspects of our mission include:

  • Recruiting quality officers from the United States Military Academy, Reserve Officer Training Corps, and Officer Candidate School

  • Managing the Training With Industry (TWI) Program 

  • Providing proponent input to DA Regulations and Pamphlet updates

  • Participating in the Functional Review (FR)

  • Providing QM input to FA90 (Multifunctional Logistics) issues

  • Maintaining Chapter 26 of DA Pam 600-3 (Commissioned Officer Development and Career Management)

  • Assisting in managing personnel issues for the QM force structure


Created by the Office of the Quartermaster General.
This page was last updated on May 10, 2004

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