Quartermaster Corps Mission



Mission | Vision | Values | Ethos



     The U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps is the nation's oldest combat service support branch. Founded June 16, 1775, this year will mark our 229th anniversary. What a great legacy we have! Since the early days of the American Revolution, Quartermasters have participated in every war, every major campaign, and in every theater of operations where U.S. soldiers have been deployed; supporting victory by America's Army with required supplies and services. Thirty-three Medal of Honor recipients reflect our "Logistics Warrior" ethos. That is why our Logistics Warriors--Active and Reserve Component soldiers and civilians have been and will remain in demand. But we can't rest on our laurels. We are entering a new century which will provide the most significant period of change in our Armed Forces since World War II. As modern warfare increases in technological sophistication, speed, and complexity--so must our logistics systems change.

     What Quartermasters do will not change; how we do it will. We will move from a supply-based system that relies on logistics mass, to a system which relies more heavily on information supremacy and distribution agility and exploits improvements in logistics velocity and automation. Enabling this new process will be information age technology, source data automation, real-time situational understanding, asset visibility, and many other technological breakthroughs. To remain relevant and be full partners in this Revolution in Military Logistics, Quartermasters must refocus themselves for this new environment and apply the same innovation, teamwork, battle focus, selfless service and professionalism that made us so successful during the past 229229 years. The purpose of this strategic plan is to start us on that journey. In conjunction with the TRADOC and CASCOM plans, it defines our vision, mission, and initial goals and objectives. It also establishes metrics to measure our progress. To make it successful, we need all Quartermasters working together. In the history of our Army, no major operation ever failed because Quartermasters failed to provide the right supplies, at the right time and place, in the right quantities. I am confident that this tradition will continue in the 21st Century. Join us in making our vision a reality.

QM Regimental Sergeant Major The Quartermaster General

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The Quartermaster Corps - Logistics Warriors providing focused logistics support to sustain America's Army in victory today and into the 21st Century.

Provide for:

Supply Support - Major end items, repair parts, rations, water, petroleum, individual and organizational clothing and equipment, personal demand items, administrative supplies, unclassified maps distribution, tactical field exchange, reclamation, salvage, property disposal, fortification and barrier material, and material to support military and non-military programs.

Field Services - Shower, laundry, fabric/light textile repair, field feeding, tactical field exchange, and mortuary affairs.

Aerial Delivery Support - Parachute packing, air item maintenance, aerial delivery, rigging and sling loading.

Materiel and Distribution Management - Material and distribution based logistics management.

Combat Developments - Systems, concepts, force structure, and material developments.

Doctrine Training, and Professional Development of - Active Army, Reserve Component and Civilian personnel; other Services; and Allies in Quartermaster proponent and common skill areas. 

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"The Quartermaster Corps - The Warfighter's Logistician today and into the 21st Century !!"

Logistics Warriors: Technically and Tactically Proficient.

Exploiting Technology, Situation Understanding, Logistics Automation, and Distribution Agility to Anticipate and Provide Precision Logistics.

Replacing Logistics Mass with Logistics Velocity.

Reshaping the Way it Supports and Sustains Army XXI and Army After Next, and the Warfighting CINCs.


     Values comprise the fundamental principles by which Quartermasters will live and treat others. It is part of our ethos - a way of life. In addition to championing the Army values of duty, integrity, loyalty, selfless service, honor, courage, and respect, we also embrace the values of:

Innovation - Creative, bold solution; thinking "outside the box" to revolutionize logisitical support.

Battle Focus - A commitment to always keep soldiers' needs as our top priority. Providing the warfighter with right supplies, in the right quantities, at the right time and place to assure victory.

Leadership - A commitment to lead, train, mentor, and coach Quartermasters today and into the 21st Century. Leading by example today and building the bench for tomorrow.

Teamwork - Committing the best talents of every team member to achieve the Quartermaster Corps' strategic goals without concern for who gets the credit for the outcome; selfless service; contributing to the legacy, tradition, and mission of the Corps.

For more values information,
see our historical vignettes on Army values...

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     Our ultimate goal is to personify the Quartermaster ethos: "Logistics Warriors who are soldiers first, technicians second to none; battle focused; reliable professionals assuring victory by sustaining America's Army in peace and war."

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Page Last Edited -- 07/01/2004