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This site updated: 16 AUG 04

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"People Always ... Mission First"

Breaking News!

August 16, 2004 -- Officer Evaluation Reporting System Enhanced!   See note from CG, HRC, MG Anderson below:


"As a profession, our Army continues to examine the way we develop our Soldiers.  We currently have the opportunity to enhance our Officer Evaluation Reporting System to better support Officer developmental programs and to reinforce the use of our OER as a tool for strengthening our profession.  This enhancement is intended to further emphasize leader development and counseling for officers in the ranks of Second and First Lieutenant, Captain, Warrant Officer One, and Chief Warrant Officer Two.  Therefore, effective 1 OCT 04 we will no longer require senior raters to qualitatively evaluate, or block check, our company grade officers and warrant officers in the rank of WO1 and CW2 on their OERs. In addition, raters of these officers will use the Developmental Support Form in conjunction with the Support Form for counseling.  These enhancements will foster an environment conducive to growth by providing structure to the critical tasks of teaching, coaching, mentoring, and educating.  And it will help to develop in our future leaders the Warrior Ethos and mindset required to serve in our joint and expeditionary Army.  This is a tremendously positive step in our efforts to better develop our company grade and warrant officer leaders to meet current and future demands.  Specific guidance will be released today on the transition plan for these changes. "


Click on this link:  Officer Evaluation Reporting System Enhanced -- for more information.

July 30, 2004 --   FY04 Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Promotion Results 

1. The FY04 LTC promotion board convened in February 2004.  The summary below is based on the state of the eligible population as of 29 February 2004.  This was the third LTC selection board that convened in four separate career field boards under OPMS III:  Operations (OPCF), Operational Support (OSCF), Information Operations (IOCF), and Institutional Support (ISCF).  These categories constitute the Army Competitive Category.               

2.  Of the 3809 majors considered for promotion, 1,237 were selected.  The PZ consisted of 1358 majors considered which results in a DOPMA rate of 91.1%.  The DOPMA rate in FY03 was 90.8%.  The selection rates by zone are: 

                                                FY04                      FY03                      

                Primary Zone             77.0%                    78.7%                    

                Below Zone                 6.6%                       6.1%    

                Above Zone                13.2%                      8.1%                                 

3.  Operations Career Field (OPCF) had the highest primary zone promotion rate (79.2%) while Information Operations Career Field (IOCF) had the lowest (71.3%).   

4.  The promotion rates of the different career branches showed FA47 and FA59 having the highest PZ selection rate (100%).  However, the populations of these two branches are small with FA47 consisting of 2 officers and FA59 consisting of 11 officers.  Of the basic branches, SF, has the highest PZ selection rate (88.9%).  FA46 has the lowest PZ selection rate (47.1%).  Of the basic branches, AD has the lowest PZ selection rate (67.6%).

5.  For additional information on selection rates please see the attached slides.

June 14, 2004 --  "As a result of being at War and transforming to Modularity, slating CSL (Command Selection List) Commanders is significantly different than previous years.  However, the process is working and its integrity remains intact." 

Read the rest of MG Dorian Anderson's note to the field addressing HRC Policy for Slating Command Selection List (CSL) Commanders by following this link

June 2, 2004 --  On June 01, 2004, Mr. Reginald Brown, the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) approved an Army decision to implement the Active Army (AA) Unit Stop Loss/Stop Movement policy for units designated to deploy outside the continental United States (OCONUS) to participate in future Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) operational missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Acting Secretary of the Army.  For the purpose of this announcement the term “Active Army” means those units of the Army not part of the Reserve Components.

The current situation warrants that the Army implement the Active Army Unit Stop Loss Program based on its commitment to support the Global War on Terrorism, to provide combatant commanders the force they need to decisively defeat those who threaten our security; and to ensure unit formations are ready for future rotational plans. Retaining the Reserve Component (RC) Unit Stop Loss and re-instituting the Active Army Unit Stop Loss and Stop Movement helps provide equity for all components and ensure unit stability from alert through redeployment/demobilization.

Please see the following link for more information on this Stop Loss/Stop Move Program:  Questions and Answers

March 29, 2004 -- Yesterday, the FY04 Captain, Army Competitive Category, selection results were released.  Over 92 percent (3,700 officers), of our great young lieutenants, who have been leading the way on the front line of the Global War on Terrorism, were selected for promotion.  Congratulations and Well Deserved!

This year the promotion selection board was convened under the “best-qualified” method of selection.  “Best-qualified” means that the board was given a maximum number of officers that could be selected for promotion to captain. 

From 1997 through 2003, the Army G-1 approved “Fully Qualified” selection boards for promotion to captain as a temporary measure to raise the number of captains to fill authorized positions. Under the “fully-qualified” method of selection, there are no numerical constraints on the number of officers that are recommended.  With captain strength currently at 102%, the Army returned to “Best Qualified” selection boards for promotion to captain.

The Army’s promotion goal for first-time considered officers is 90%.  The first-time considered promotion rate for the FY 04 CPT, Army promotion selection board was 92.3%. This selection rate, while lower than the previous seven years, demonstrates our junior leaders are excelling in their initial assignments, and possess the potential for increased responsibilities as a captain.

While the Army will review whether future captain selection boards will be “Best Qualified” or “Fully Qualified,” the key thing to remember is that attitude and manner of performance, regardless of duty position, remains the gold standard for success.

Finally, for those officers not selected – continue to focus on the mission and don’t quit.  Check in with your assignment officer and continue to prepare yourself for the next selection board.

People Always - Mission First!

BG Rhett Hernandez

Korea Assignment Incentive Program Approved!

March 15, 2004 -- The Department of the Army announced Friday a new incentive program to encourage Soldiers in or enroute to Korea to extend their tours of duty on the peninsula for an additional year.  The program, titled the Assignment Incentive Pay program, authorizes service members to start collecting an additional $300 per month to their paychecks for an additional 12-month tour in Korea.   For more information on this program please see the FAQ's or contact your HRC career manager.


Official Army News Release

Fact Sheet



February 09, 2004, -- The Department of the Army announced Force Stabilization and its two manning strategies that will fundamentally change how the Army assigns Soldiers to its warfighting forces.

For more information on this CSA Focus Area, please read our FAQ. For additional information please contact your Human Resources Command Career Manager.


Welcome to the OPMD Web site. It is my intent that you will frequently use our Web sites in order to maintain the most current situational awareness for all personnel issues of interest to the officer corps.

February 03, 2004 -- 100 Day Update to the Officer Corps:

"We are not Business as usual."  LINK to REST of letter

January 07, 2004 -- Army Times Interview w/ BG Hernandez:

Q: Is there a lot of change going on in the officer personnel business?

A: We are at war, and that is significant. The more we can get the officer corps to think about that, the better it will be. We are looking through a different lens... than we did in the past.  
LINK to REST of interview

OPMD Directorate BG Hernandez

BG Hernandez

Director, Officer Personnel Management Directorate, U.S. Army Human Resources Command
200 Stovall Street
Alexandria, VA 22332-0410

Contact me:  Director, OPMD

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