Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army
(Civilian Personnel Policy)


 Army has developed the following exit survey to study the reasons why people leave Army service voluntarily. We will use the collective responses of departing employees to examine employee turnover and identify ways to become a more desirable employer.

 Your reasons for leaving Army are very important to our study, as we seek to improve the overall work environment for current and new employees. Therefore, we hope you will take the time to complete the attached questionaire before you actually leave our employ. You should be able to complete the survey in about five minutes.

 If you held more than one position during your tenure, please respond based on your feelings toward your most recent position. Please answer each item as honestly and frankly as possible. If any question is objectionable to you, you may skip it and proceed to the next question.

 You responses are completely confidential. In order to maintain this confidentiality, please do not put your name in any part of this survey. We have automated the data collection process by combining your responses with those of other departing employees to examine general statistical trends in employee turnover.

 When you complete the questions, you may submit it to us by clicking the "submit" icon at the bottom of the last page.

 Thank you for assisting us with this most important survey - and good luck to you as you pursue your next endeavor.

// signed //
David L. Snyder
Deputy Assistant Secretary
(Civilian Personnel Policy)

Army Civilian Human Resources Professionals
Helping Leaders Meet the Mission