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Ship Observations Report

Unit of Measure:     Time:    

Not all ships are U.S. Voluntary Observing Ship participants.

36 observations from 10/15/2004 0300 GMT to 10/15/2004 0323 GMT

 ID    (GMT)                °   kts   kts    ft   sec     in    in    °F    °F    °F    mi
CG2960   03  47.8  -86.1   60  18.1     -     -     -  29.59 -0.05  41.7  50.0  38.5     -
CGSB     03  46.8  -71.2   40  15.9     -     -     -  29.73 +0.03  52.5     -  45.1     -
DBBA     03  54.6   13.2  140  13.6     -     -     -  29.76 -0.02  46.8  53.4  42.4     -
DBBC     03  54.3   10.1  100   1.9     -     -     -  29.68 -0.02  44.4  54.9  42.3     -
DBBI     03  54.1    8.9  110   9.7     -     -     -  29.62 -0.02  45.0  49.5  40.8     -
DBFH     03  57.6   10.8  120  21.4     -     -     -  29.79 -0.03  50.4  52.7  44.4     -
DBFR     03  64.4  -36.8  350   5.8     -     -     -  30.41 +0.05     -  44.2  25.0     -
DBJM     03  54.4   11.7  130  15.5     -     -     -  29.71     -  46.9  52.5  42.1     -
DBKV     03  41.0   29.0  990   0.0     -     -     -  30.15 +0.00  56.7  63.9  46.0     -
DBLK     03  46.1   -7.9  320  31.1     -     -     -  29.78 +0.05  54.5  61.0  45.3   6.2
DFPC     03  54.0    8.2  130  15.5     -     -     -  29.58 -0.03  48.6  56.7     -     -
DICP     03  50.9   -1.5    -     -     -     -     -  29.42 -0.01  43.0  59.9  41.9     -
EIQN     03  53.6   -6.0  290  25.1     -     -     -      - +0.01  47.5  54.1  43.2     -
ELPT3    03  55.4 -158.2  990   6.0     -     -     -  30.27 +0.03  50.0  48.7     -  12.4
ELQB8    03  40.3  147.5  340  11.1     -     -     -  29.91 -0.03  60.8  69.8     -  12.4
ELWT7    03  -8.4  -35.0    -     -     -     -     -  29.96 -0.01  78.8  84.0  70.5     -
ELZT3    03  33.7 -118.2  330   4.1     -     -     -  29.87     -  66.2  66.6     -     -
FNHC     03  25.1   57.6  100   9.7     -     -     -  29.96 +0.03  81.5  84.9  76.3   6.2
HP6038   03  46.4  -48.4  280  14.0     -     -     -  29.98 +0.04  53.2  54.1     -   2.5
KRGB     03  34.8 -131.6   10   8.9     -     -     -  29.99     -  66.0  69.3     -     -
TFBLK    03  65.7  -24.8    -     -     -  19.0     8      -     -     -     -     -     -
TFDRN    03  65.8  -21.2    -     -     -  19.0     9      -     -     -     -     -     -
TFGRS    03  66.3  -18.2    -     -     -  16.1     8      -     -     -     -     -     -
TFGRV    03  63.8  -22.5    -     -     -   2.0     6      -     -     -     -     -     -
TFGSK    03  64.1  -22.9    -     -     -   7.2     5      -     -     -     -     -     -
TFHFN    03  64.2  -15.2    -     -     -   4.9     6      -     -     -     -     -     -
TFKGR    03  65.6  -13.6    -     -     -   9.5     8      -     -     -     -     -     -
TFSRT    03  63.3  -20.3    -     -     -   4.9     7      -     -     -     -     -     -
TFSTD    03  66.4  -23.4    -     -     -  21.3     9      -     -     -     -     -     -
VCTV     03  43.5  -78.3  180   5.1     -     -     -  29.81     -  55.4  54.5     -   2.5
VEP717   03  46.7  -48.7  270  18.1     -     -     -  29.97 +0.04  50.5  54.5     -  12.4
VGPY     03  49.1  -67.6  280   5.1     -     -     -  29.74     -  48.2  45.5     -  12.4
WDB4570  03  47.1  -86.2   70  17.1     -     -     -  29.55     -     -  44.8     -  12.4
WPVD     03  37.2  -72.0  230  15.0     -     -     -  29.59 +0.06  71.1  75.9     -  12.4
Y3CW     03  54.1   12.1  110   7.8     -     -     -  29.73 -0.02  40.6  53.4  40.3     -
YJUF7    03  46.7  -48.0  280  15.9     -     -     -  29.97 +0.05  52.5  50.9     -  12.4
   36 ship observations reported for 0300 GMT

Description of Measurements

U.S. Dept. of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
National Data Buoy Center
Page last modified: August 5, 2004
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