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Protecting Our World, Our Federal Mission black line

During peacetime each state National Guard answers to the leadership in the 50 states, three territories and the District of Columbia. During national emergencies, however, the President reserves the right to mobilize the National Guard, putting them in federal duty status. While federalized, the units answer to the Combatant Commander of the theatre in which they are operating and, ultimately, to the President.

Even when not federalized, the Army National Guard has a federal obligation (or mission.) That mission is to maintain properly trained and equipped units, available for prompt mobilization for war, national emergency, or as otherwise needed.

The Army National Guard is a partner with the Active Army and the Army Reserves in fulfilling the country's military needs. In fiscal year 2001, Army Guard soldiers pulled duty in more than 80 countries in a wide variety of operations including peacekeeping, stabilization, security, nation building, etc. Below are a few examples of how the Army National Guard is fulfilling its federal mission.

  • Building and Maintaining Relationships
    Driving through the crowded streets of Vitina/Viti, the line of humvees makes their way through the eclectic mix of cars and pedestrians. They pull to the curb and the Cavalry Soldiers file out of their vehicles with their weapons (slung over their shoulders). Another patrol, another day of keeping the peace. Just another day for the cavalry.

  • TF Redhorse Transitions to TF Shield
    It’s time for all the members of Task Force Redhorse to go home, and all the members of Task Force Shield to step in and take their place. A key element to making this transition smooth is the left-seat, right-seat ride process.

  • Behind the (Aviation) Scenes at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo
    Churning blades, rotor wash, wires, weapons systems and much more are usually part of a normal day with helicopter mechanics. With a tight schedule and plenty of helicopters to work with, mechanics of Tango Troop, 4-278th Armored Calvary Regiment, are prepared to do their job for the mission.

  • Swapping Soldiers With the Swedes
    For some Soldiers in Multi-national Brigade (East) when someone says Sweden the first things to come to mind may be Volvos, Swedish fish—the fish-shaped chewy candy—and the Swedish Chef from The Muppet Show. But other Soldiers recently learned a lot more about Sweden than automobiles and chewy candy.

  • Law & Order in Kosovo
    Two words could sum up the job of the Military Police officers of the 192nd MP Detachment (Provost Marshal): law and order. The sheriff’s deputies of the little town known as Camp Bondsteel patrol inside and outside the wire to enforce traffic safety, keep the peace, and of late much more.

  • Smuggling Interdiction in Kosovo
    Finding illegal woodcutters in Kosovo is like finding a needle in a haystack, according to a group of Soldiers from Alpha Company, 2-135th Infantry, who spent the day hiking through the woods near the village of Sasare/ Shashare looking for any type of smuggling activity on the border with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

  • Guard soldiers depart for Kosovo peace-keeping duties
    Nearly 70 members of the Alaska Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 207th Aviation Regiment, are departing for the Kosovo peacekeeping mission.

  • 34th Infantry Division Assumes Command
    More than 1,100 of the Minnesota Army National Guard's 34th Red Bull Infantry Division soldiers officially started their largest deployment since World War II during a Sept. 30th Transfer of Authority at Peacekeepers Hall on Eagle Base in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • Tennessee Army National Guard Soldiers Set to Re-deploy from Kosovo

  • Balkans 2001
    Task Force Eagle is the U.S. contribution to the NATO peacekeeping mission.

  • Overseas Deployment Training (ODT)
    Overseas deployment training (ODT) is an opportunity for soldiers and units to train.

  • New Horizons
    New Horizons exercises are humanitarian and civil assistance missions.

Related Links
 Right Arrow Air National Guard
 Right Arrow National Guard Bureau
 Right Arrow Official Web Site of the Kosovo Force
 Right Arrow U.S. Army Homepage
 Right Arrow U.S. Northern Command
 Right Arrow United States Army Reserve

Fast Fact
 59% of the Army's Engineer Construction capability is in the Army National Guard.

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The Army National Guard's Official Web Site
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