Frequently Asked Training Officer Questions

Please review the frequently asked questions below.  If you don't find the answer you need, we want to help!  Please submit your unanswered question via the Help Desk below  

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What is ATRRS?

What is TACITS?

What is SMDR?

What is a TRAP?

Is training available to teach me how to use ATRRS?

What are PF Keys and how can they help me understand ATRRS?

How do I enroll a student in ATRRS?

How do I cancel a student in ATRRS?

How do I substitute a student in ATRRS?

How do I request a class be added for my command?

How do I know what an Error Code ( ERR Code) means?

What is the CONFIRM-R Process and why am I getting an error code number of 013?

Are there any seats left in a course?

How do I request a seat if I don't have a quota?

How do I release a quota if I don't have a person to fill the seat?

What are school managed quotas (04) and how can they help me?

What is ATRRS?

The Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) is the Department of the Army Management Information System of record for managing student input to training. The on-line system integrates manpower requirements for individual training with the process by which the training base is resourced and training programs are executed. This automation support tool establishes training requirements, determines training programs, manages class schedules, allocates class quotas,  makes seat reservations, and records student attendance. It supports numerous Department of the Army processes to include the Structure Manning Decision Review (SMDR). The product of the SMDR is the Army Program for Individual Training (ARPRINT), the mission and resourcing document for the training base.

ATRRS supports the Training Requirements Division of the HQ Dept of the Army, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (G-1) in its army wide mission of integrating all phases of input to training management, during peacetime and mobilization. The system supports the planning, programming, budgeting, and program execution phases of the training process and is utilized by the agencies responsible for those phases.

ATRRS is the central authoritative source for all data and statistics that impact total Army input to training. ATRRS provides critical support in meeting these three primary objectives:

Centralization of training requirements and resources data
Management of input to training
Evaluation of program execution


What is TACITS?

IAW AR 350-10, The Army’s Centralized Individual Training Solicitation (TACITS) is the only official solicitation which recognizes the Total Army’s (Active, Guard, and Reserve Component) training requirements for military and civilian personnel.

Participation in the TACITS Survey will afford your organization the opportunity to identify, project and resource future training needs in Army schools.

This is an annual survey projecting requirements 4 years out.  Data is solicited and entered by training officers/quota managers at the installation and MACOM level in the March - April timeframe.  Information entered into TACITS is used during the Structured, Manning and Decision Review (SMDR) process which is held annually in the October timeframe. 

Quota allocations (seats) are based on the SMDR process.

The TACITS Survey can be found on the Internet at An ATRRS user ID and Password is not required to access the homepage, however, both ID and Password will be required with an access code in order to enter the TACITS Survey via the ATRRS Channel Directory. Detailed guidance and other specific instructions detailing the changes and operation of this new system are available on the ATRRS Home Page.

More information can be found via the internet and this document  TACITS Quick-Ref Help Document

Questions can be addressed to  DSN 221-8690, comm (703)325-8690, e-mail:


What is SMDR?

The Structured, Manning and Decision Review (SMDR) is designed to validate Total Army training requirements submitted through the TACITS survey and then reconcile those requirements to an affordable, acceptable, and executable training program. The SMDR will be conducted annually during the month of October.

The SMDR focuses on three years:

1. Refining the training program for the first Program Objective Memorandum (POM) year. (ex. FY05)
2. Developing an approved training program for the second POM year which is the primary focus of the SMDR. (ex. FY06)
3. Recording an unconstrained training requirement for the third POM year. (ex. FY07)

Fine-tuning will be accommodated where possible within the funded capabilities of the training activities.

The ATRRS SMDR POC can be reached at  DSN 225-5886  or (703) 695-5886.


What is a TRAP?

The purpose of the Training Resource Arbitration Panel   (TRAP) is to manage changes to the training program during the execution year.  TRAPs are convened periodically.  TRAP issues for the current FY will be considered on an "as needed" basis after the February TRAP.

The TRAP attempts to provide sufficient training seats to train the Total Army program plus other non-Army students who attend Army schools. It is extremely important that all deadlines established be followed.

The DA TRAP Manager can be reached at  DSN 225-5900 or (703) 695-5900.


Is training available to teach me how to use ATRRS? 

      Two methods of training are available to learn how to use ATRRS. 

     You may request a ATRRS computer based training (CBT) CD-ROM from the ATRRS homepage at .  Through this site you will be able to register to receive the ATRRS CBT CD-ROM by filling out the CBT Registration forms.   You must have an internet email address and an ATRRS Logon ID and password to use this site.

        HQDA also offers a three-day training course titled FORSCOM ATRRS Training Course. Students must have an ATRRS   Logon ID and password prior to attending.  The course number is ATRRS-FC and is taught by school code 914.  Class schedules and quota information can be obtained by accessing the C3 and R8 displays.

This course is designed to give the student the maximum practical hands-on training available in the limited time.  The course includes the following:

 1.  Sign-on/sign-off procedures.

 2.  Verification tables (explanation of codes used throughout ATRRS).

 3.  Electronic mail (send/receive).

 4.  Quota management system (what quota source to use and when)

 5.  Class schedules (where to find, how to input, etc).

 6.  AATAS (ATRRS automated training application system); where to send and how.

 7.  Formal schools catalog (scopes/prerequisites, reporting instructions, etc.)

 8.  TSO (reports generator section of ATRRS); how to find reports, create reports, how to review reports

 9.  Student input/attrition/graduation data

 10. Training requirements development (TACITS)

 11. Execution year management (TRAP)

 12. Quota allocations, suballocations


What are PF Keys and how can they help me understand ATRRS?

        PF Keys are built-in help and explanation keys on ATRRS.  They are accessed via your keyboard and its function keys (i.e. F1, F2, etc). The action of the keys may vary depending on which ATRRS display screen you are viewing.  Some commonly used PF keys and their description are below:


                   Pressing the PF1 key will take you to the help text of the screen you are currently viewing.  Press the PF2 key  when you are ready to return to the previous screen


                   Pressing the PF2 key provides detailed information about an error or message code.  The PF2 key works in conjunction with the message code entered after the  ERR COD => prompt in blue at the bottom on your screen


                   Pressing the PF4 key will return you to the Main Option List for ATRRS.


                   Pressing the PF7 key will move the display UP one full screen.   If you are on page one of the display pressing the PF7 will have no action.


                   Pressing the PF8 key will move the display DOWN one full screen.   If you are on the last page of the display PF8 will have no action.


How do I enroll a student in ATRRS?

        As a training officer enrolling students in ATRRS, you will access the CICS side of ATRRS.  The most common display screens you will use are the RL and/or A1 displays.  Your method of entering students is dependent on whether or not you have control of your requests or a higher HQs is required to review and approved your requests.  The RL display allows direct entry and the A1 display facilitates submission to your HQ for approval.

From the Main Option List screen, enter the requested data in the required fields, then selected RL  or A1 for display desired. 

ATRRS is an extremely code dependent system.  If you are unfamiliar with a required code, select the VR display for a listing and description of the code tables.

If you are unfamiliar with a required data field, select the PF1 key on the ATRRS screen for an explanation/description of all the fields on that screen.   Selecting the PF2 key will return you to the previous screen.


How do I cancel a student in ATRRS?

    Input the course specific information on the MAIN OPTION LIST. If you entered a student directly via the RL screen, input course/class data and your quota source and select RL display to bring up your student names.  Locate the page where the student's reservation is shown on the screen. To cancel the reservation type "C" in the update (U) column next to the appropriate record, type "C" in the reservation status (RS) column and press the <ENTER> key. Once "OK" appears in the message column the student's reservation has been cancelled.  If you entered a student via the A1 display, contact your higher HQs point of contact.


How do I substitute a student in ATRRS?

   If you entered a student directly via the RL screen, input course/class/quota source data on the MAIN OPTION LIST and select RL display to bring up your student names. To substitute a new student for an existing reservation, type "S" in the update (U) column next to the appropriate record, type the new information for the substitute over the student with the reservation and press the<enter> key. The system will automatically add the substitute student to the first blank line of the reservation roster with a reservation and cancel the student with the original reservation. If you entered a student via the A1 display, contact your higher HQs point of contact.


How do I request a class be added for my command?

The TRAP process is used to request add on courses.  The NM display on ATRRS is used to determine open traps trap cycle.  You would select the TRAP number desired, input it and continue to the NA display to input your requirements.  The PF1 Help keys provides specific direction.  ALMC Traps are identified as Session Type:  AC Prof Dev Crs.  The NA display is used to identify the specifics about your unprogrammed requirement.

When all official ALMC TRAPS are closed for a current training year and you have additional unprogrammed requirements submitted an email to the Course point of contact via email with the same specifics you would have identified on the NA display.   ALMC Course points of contact can be found via our home page by accessing our catalog then our schedules page at the following link:   Please select the course you are interested in and then its course information prompt.


How do I know what an Error Code ( ERR Code) means?

If you encounter an error while entering data on a display screen, then a  3-digit numeric error code will be displayed under the MSG column.  To obtain the definition and explanation for the error code, enter the 3-digit code  after "ERR CODE =>" prompt at the bottom of the screen and press PF2.  The error code explanation display  will appear with the definition and explanation for that particular error code.  When you are ready to return to the previous screen, press PF2.


What is the CONFIRM-R Process and the QMS and why am I getting an error code number of 013?

Error Code 013 is obtained when you try to input a student in a class that is not management by the CONFIRM-R process.  It means that the course is not management through the course quota management system.  For classes not managed through the CONFIRM-R process, you must have a quota to make a reservation because waits are not allowed.

If you need a seat and don't have a quota, you can try to call the POC at the location of training to see if they are going to fill all the seats or if they will let you have one.  Location POCs can be found by accessing the C3 display and selecting the PF11 key.

The CONFIRM-R (confirm reservation) process is an automated means of ensuring maximum and timely use of quotas.  Many agencies may have a need  for one or more quotas for a course/class for which they have not received  quotas.  The quota managers/training officers in these agencies may still make 'WAIT'   reservations for these courses.  A waiting list is created and if unused quotas exist 46 days prior to class report date this process converts the waits to reservations.  The waiting list is based on first come/first served.   The CONFIRM-R process converts  waits to reservations as follows:  60 days before the report date of the class, sub-quota source waits are converted to reservations within the major-quota source, 46 days before the class reports, if the course/class is included in Quota Management  System (QMS), waits are converted to reservations on a first come/first served basis for all unused seats for the class.  The CONFIRM-R process also cancels all HELD quotas 15 days before  the report date of the class.

Please note that not all courses/classes fall under the QMS and subsequently are not subject to the CONFIRM-R process.  To determine if a class uses the CONFIRM-R process, look at the Class Quota Management System (CQMS) field on  the C3 display.  The CQMS flag is used to indicate whether or  not WAITS can be made for the class.  If the CQMS flag on the C3 display is Y then quota sources who do not have allocations can make reservations. If the CQMS flag  is N then reservations cannot be made for the class unless the quota source  has allocations.


Are there any seats left in a course?

            ATRRS will be your best source of real time data to determine seat availability.  The R8 display screen will let you view the course statistics at any given time.  Selecting the PF9 Key from the R8 display screen will show you the total reservations and waits for the class.  The class maximum, minimum, and optimum sizes appear in the upper right hand corner of the screen.  If the class has not filled to the optimum size, there is still room in it.  On occasion, classes are filled to the maximum size with the approval of the course director.  Depending on the immediacy of the training need, you may wish to enter the student as a wait and contact the Course point of contact to request that the class be overbooked.  ALMC Course points of contact can be found via our home page by accessing our catalog then our schedules page at the following link:   Please select the course you are interested in and then its course information prompt.

            Technically all seats for ALMC courses are filled in advance due to a quota system established in The Army Centralized Individual Training Solicitation Survey (TACITS) and implemented during the annual Structure and Manning Decision Review (SMDR) process.  However, in the current training year, commands have until 46 days prior to the class start date to enter names against their quotas.  If they don't enter a name before this date, referred to as the nomination due date, the seat is lost to them.   The seat is then up for grabs and ATRRS will automatically give the seat to the first name on a wait status based upon the date and time the request was entered into ATRRS.


How do I request a seat if I don't have a quota?

                   The Request/Release Quotas and Requirements (QR) display is used to manage quota pools for a class at the quota source and component code level. You can only request or release quota allocations, if the class has not started the CONFIRM-R process.  CONFIRM-R begins when a class is within 46 days of reporting. You can only use the QR display if the course is managed under QMS.  Course requirements for a quota source are automatically adjusted based upon the number of requesting/releasing seats achieved.  When quotas are  requested, the quotas are not acquired until another quota manager releases  quotas for that class or the class allocation is below the optimum number.

If you need a seat, don't have a quota, and the class is not managed under QMS, you can try to call the POC at the location of training to see if they are going to fill all the seats or if they will let you have one.  Location POCs can be found by accessing the C3 display and selecting the PF11 key.


How do I release a quota if I don't have a person to fill the seat?

            The Request/Release Quotas and Requirements (QR) display is used to manage quota pools for a classes at the quota source and component code level. You can only request or release quota allocations, if the class has not started the CONFIRM-R process.  CONFIRM-R usually begins when a class is within 46 days of reporting. You can only use the QR display if the course is managed under QMS.


What are School Managed Quotas (Quota Source Code 04) and how can they help me?

School Managed quotas are seats held in reserve by the school house to be filled at their discretion.  If you check the R8 display and noticed unused 04 quotas and would like to use one, please contact  the ALMC Registrar's Office  (804) 765-4120.
